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How do I reconcile with the fact that I have not been loved my entire life but that I have been abused? Can abusers love? I doubt it…
What about me and my feelings?

I’m not a pawn to be used when others feel like it. I am a living breathing person and I have needs too. #Childhoodtrauma #PTSD #MentalHealth #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder

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One month

It's been one month since I last spoke to my mom and it's been really hard. She's been gaslighting me all my life and I finally had enough of her bullshit. There were times when she was nice and nonjudgmental but as soon as I mentioned my relationship, my illness, or my childhood she would get very mean. I know it's better this way. It just sucks.

#Childhoodtrauma #Abuse #PTSD #Relationships

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What have you had to unlearn from your childhood?

Unlearning (and subsequently relearning) things from when we were younger is a lifelong process. And it doesn’t even need to — though of course it can and does — relate to chilldhood trauma. It can “simply” be ideals, values, opinions, or ways of thinking and living that we no longer agree with. We also can grow out of things naturally as we age, and that’s valid and expected too.

What do you find yourself unlearning? How has the process been — painful or powerful?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #Childhoodtrauma #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Grief #PTSD

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Good evening everyone #mywrite #Childhoodtrauma #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

I’m sick of living in a country that is run by misogynistic pigs and enabling women, i’m tired, so tired #needrest #Selfcheck i always feel better though, after i write x

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Remember This As Your Week Begins

Good morning! Please take these reminders with you as you go through your week ❤️ Always know you have a safe space here, people who will listen , who care, and truly relate ❤️ Post a positive quote or affirmation to help yourself and each other get ready for the day! #Childhoodtrauma #CPTSD #PTSD #ChildhoodAbuse #mighty #checkin

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I’ve Missed This Group ❤️

Hi! I’m so sorry I’ve been away, I do hope my post can be seen, I’m having some problems . I want to make this group better than ever, I want to be here, be more active, and find out what all of you want ❤️ If anyone has ideas, time and would want to co lead let me know! #Childhoodtrauma #CPTSD #Trauma

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Happy Birthday to Me #GAD #ADHD #PanicDisorder #Childhoodtrauma

I passed 63 times around the sun today!! I didn’t have a party, go out with friends or drink, no loud celebration or balloons. I spent the day home, alone with my 4 cats. I crafted, making Easter cards for a few friends and relatives and eating the cake I made. It has been extremely relaxing, enjoyable and exactly what I wanted. I was even surprised by a flower delivery from my brother and family. I guess my biggest present this year is the progress I’m making in therapy with my childhood trauma and covert passive-aggressive mother. I’m not cured but I’m learning that everything isn’t my fault and I’m not always responsible…and that’s a start. So everyone that has a birthday coming up or has had a birthday this year…think about something non-tangible that you’ve given yourself. Celebrate another trip around the sun! ☀️

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