Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

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bridging the gap in the mental health space-Free And Accessible to Everyone

Emotional care is a daily journey and mental health self-aid should be a key component of your treatment program, experts say, and I can attest to this fact by the huge role that I play in getting myself from Treatment-Resistant Depression of the severest level of Major Depressive Disorder inherited from both sides of my family along with their generational traumas, amongst other Complex Traumas/C-PTSD, to Partial Remission, which means that my acute emotional symptoms have abated/subsided and actually are truly gone (according to the experts description).
The only “residual” symptom I have left is a physical symptom- fatigue, which is nowhere near as bad as it used to be, but there are a couple “ADLs” (Activities of Daily Living) that I do need help with.

What I pulled together and updated to share with every single member of our Mighty community is what highly-educated, behavioral health professionals have provided us —specific, well-known, respected mental health and emotional wellbeing websites— quality of information, tools, resources, and support that we all need and have at our fingertips everyday.

If the website pages below do not show up as links, I would be happy to try to put the individual links in conversation threads below if anyone would like me to.

As they say, Knowledge is Power.
My hope is that you put the power into your own hands, and also let us know in the comments below if you have more to add to the below list or if you are familiar with some of these, if you have utilized them and what you think of them.

And, please share this post and the vast amount of knowledge, tools, resources, and support that is here free and accessible to Everyone.

Also, I implore loved ones, partners, friends, family, caregivers to step up more to help us have the environment in which this hard work we push through is not for nothing, but acknowledged, understood, and appreciated.



Psychology Tools Series |

20+ practical psychology tools based in cognitive behavioral science and mindfulness-based theory.

Learning Center - Overview |

Positive Psychology Theory & Tools |

“Positive Psychology Theory emphasizes strengths, rather than deficits, focusing on ways to optimize well-being, rather than just remove pathology. This page showcases both theory and practical tools related related to things like increasing positive emotions, cultivating authentic relationships, and engaging in other pursuits that bring meaning to life.”

Mindful: The Most Trusted Resource for Everything Critical that Mindfulness Can Help You With, And Also To Understand Meditation

Mindful - healthy mind, healthy life

(go to upper left menu for the search bar to find articles on specific topics)

Digital Mindfulness & Meditation Guides - from

You searched for Letting go - Mindful

Calm Archives - Mindful


Verywell Mind - Know More. Live Brighter.



(Website created by Selena Gomez and her mom after Selena’s Bipolar diagnosis)

Mental Health Conditions - Wondermind

Mental Fitness - Wondermind


Tiny Buddha: Simple Wisdom for Complex Lives.

Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In


Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Life:

“dedicated to improving mental health and wellness and furthering inner peace by creating community, educating, and inspiring individuals worldwide through mindfulness practices, online resources, and educational programs.”

Blog - Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life®


The website all about utilizing the newest branch of Psychology- Positive Psychology:

Positive Psychology is so much more than the name says. It’s a dual approach to mental health- where we build strengths supports, and healthy lifestyles, as well as treating illness and distress.

This website is also designed to better help mental health professionals help us even more, but we can learn for ourselves too here.

You searched for resilience - Blog - Helping You Help Others

What Is Mindfulness? Definition, Benefits & Psychology

Self-Therapy for Anxiety & Depression (Incl Questions + PDF)


The Foundation for Post-Traumatic Healing and Complex Trauma Research (a non-profit organization) at this website here: About |

Tar Network |

Legal Resources for Trauma Survivors |

Help Me Find a Therapist |

“Bridging the healing gap”

“To end the cycle of complex relational trauma by providing the safety, life skills, relational education, and reparative experiences a survivor needs so they can create new habits and experience optimum health in every area of life.”

“A diverse, global community of survivors, supporters, helping professionals, and organizations leveraging the latest technologies to offer virtual daily interactive peer support programs and trauma-informed educational resources.”

Daily OM

Self-Development & Healing All Articles - DailyOM

Inspiration Directory

“Our mission is to inspire and empower your journey to greater wellness, healing, and transformation through holistic courses and resources from leading experts around the world.”


Healthy Place:

“ is the largest consumer mental health site on the net. We provide authoritative information and support to people with mental health concerns, along with their family members and other loved ones.”

Self Help | HealthyPlace

Mental Health Support, Resources & Information | HealthyPlace


The esteemed Deepak Chopra, M.D. is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation:

Personal Growth – Chopra

All Articles | Chopra

Deepak Chopra™️ - Official Website


A Conscious Rethink:

A Conscious Rethink: For Your Journey Through Life

explores the topics of interpersonal relationships, mental health, behavior, personality, and life advice. #MentalHealth #Caregiving #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD #Trauma #ChronicIllness #ADHD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Disability #SocialAnxietyDisorder #ChronicFatigue #Selfharm #Selfcare #SocialAnxiety #Relationships | Psychology Blog + Social Network

Read thoughtful content from behavioral science experts, post in the forum, and connect with peers on our social network for progressive psychology.
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What Is Your Attachment Style?

I recently learned about attachment styles and understand myself so much better now. Knowing how my childhood experience created reactive patterns to interactions with others as an adult has helped me see that I have “frozen needs” that are NOT MY FAULT.

How validating! No longer simply blaming myself or feeling inadequate or hopelessly stuck has enabled me to recognize opportunities to grow and retrain my brain to bypass so much dysfunction in my life. Once I saw the pattern I could learn to reach for a much better relationship with myself and others. I hope learning your attachment style helps free you too.

#apathy #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Depression #ReactiveAttachmentDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SocialAnxiety #Fibromyalgia #Trauma #Suicide #AnxiousAttachmentStyle #AmbivalentAttachmentStyle #AvoidantAttachmentStyle #attachmentstyle #MajorDepressiveDisorder #IfYouFeelHopeless #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #SuicidalThoughts

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I used to post a lot on here and I’ve been pretty quiet lately. I have had a lot of things happen recently that made my life feel a lot more stable and I hope they continue.

I’m seeing a really good trauma-informed therapist who does IFS and EMDR. I have a new psychiatrist who listens, believes me, and is very supportive. We are trying new combinations of medications to help me manage my symptoms. I am starting art therapy. I also go to an art center where I attend groups, which helps me feel social and helps me occupy my time in a healthy way. I am being seen for ovarian cysts which randomly happen. I have a neurologist appointment in October. I also am being tested for POTS in a month and a half; which I never even thought to bring up, especially when I couldn’t get my basic needs met for years. I even have a dentist appointment!

Things are finally starting to get on a track but, of course, I’m still terrified I will end up without support again. Last night, I had a really vivid nightmare I was homeless again last night and that I was trying to get help but no one would help me get connected to resources or support.

I’m hoping things continue to trend upwards and I continue to feel safe and remain in a place where I am supported.

Thanks for reading ❤️

#ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Migraine #PanicDisorder #Agoraphobia #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe

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Today's coffee adventure

I used my cinnamon French toast flavored coffee but I added ground cinnamon to the grounds. Then I added 2 spoonfuls of sugar free Swiss Miss. Then I added a splash of maple bourbon pecan flavored coffee syrup and oat milk. It's very complex and rich. I really enjoyed it. It made me happy.

#coffeeadventures #MentalHealth #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder

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That fuzzy feeling

You are all still the same
This room hasn’t changed
I still know what’s real
Yet everything feels strange

It all feels fuzzy
You’re all so far away
Part of me wants to run
But I’m frozen so I stay

This feeling is familiar
Like it’s happened before
I feel so much younger
The darkness here to take more

No one knows what is happening
I’d ask for help if I could
But I’m meant to be an adult now
Not need reassurance like a child would

It’s time to wear that fake smile
Like I’m still the same old me
I’ll just feel shame if I voice this
I’m not supposed to speak my needs

#ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #DerealizationDisorder #MightyPoets #PTSD #CPTSD #DissociationDisorders #Depression #Anxiety

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That fuzzy feeling

You are all still the same
This room hasn’t changed
I still know what’s real
Yet everything feels strange

It all feels fuzzy
You’re all so far away
Part of me wants to run
But I’m frozen so I stay

This feeling is familiar
Like it’s happened before
I feel so much younger
The darkness here to take more

No one knows what is happening
I’d ask for help if I could
But I’m meant to be an adult now
Not need reassurance like a child would

It’s time to wear that fake smile
Like I’m still the same old me
I’ll just feel shame if I voice this
I’m not supposed to speak my needs

#ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #DerealizationDisorder #MightyPoets #PTSD #CPTSD #DissociationDisorders #Depression #Anxiety

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Tough Feelings #CPTSD #Cats #Grief #Loneliness

Three weeks ago my cat got out. I've done everything I can think of to find him, my husband has been setting up a trap, we've posted flyers, left things out for him to smell to help him home, and nothing. My heart is broken. My other cat was his best friend, so she has been reclusive and I can't console her. This cat is very special to me and I feel abandoned all over again. I know I should stay hopeful but it's hard when you have been through trauma, so hard to feel like there's any hope. Trying to go on with day to day, very difficult.

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Tough Feelings #CPTSD #Cats #Grief #Loneliness

Three weeks ago my cat got out. I've done everything I can think of to find him, my husband has been setting up a trap, we've posted flyers, left things out for him to smell to help him home, and nothing. My heart is broken. My other cat was his best friend, so she has been reclusive and I can't console her. This cat is very special to me and I feel abandoned all over again. I know I should stay hopeful but it's hard when you have been through trauma, so hard to feel like there's any hope. Trying to go on with day to day, very difficult.

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Are You Making This Mistake?

Stop thinking about whether or not you measure up to anyone else’s standards. Why would you do that to yourself? Be the best YOU that you can be. #apathy #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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#Life ’s #Joy : Birthday Agenda

#party ….nope
#Guest ….nope
#dressup ….nope
#Orders ….nope
#drive ….nope
#Directions ….nope
#Late #home ….nope
#rest ….YUP
#relax ….YUP
#Fun at #home …YUP
#Stayed inside….YUP
#Loved the day….YUP
#Reality ….Fabulous #mentally #Healthy #Birthday without any
#Anxiety #PTSD #CPTSD #Depression #FinancialPain #worries #Guilt #Stress

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