Not a waste!
"Whatever happened or did not happen, you did not waste this year".
I really needed to read that.
People around me believe that my mental health issues has resulted in me "wasting my life".
Harsh opinion.
Harsh words.
And I'm afraid I've internalized them.
But I don't wish to feel like, I'm wasting my life!
I may not be as "productive" or "successful" as normal/healthy people...
But that is NOT the same as I am wasting my time or life.
I am in fact doing important things for my mental health and for my future.
And I accomplish things each and every day.
Just based on a different standard than the one normal/healthy people use.
As I do my end of year inventory in my journals, I want to highlight for myself that, I've been a success.
I did good!
And I did my very best.
That's the note I want to round of 2024 on.
(Picture from Pinterest)