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#CheckInWithMe I had another challenging yet helpful EMDR session #CheerMeOn

How are you all? I hope you are hanging in there. I had EMDR yesterday and I was initially so resistant. I didn't want to be there and it was painful but once it ended, I felt soooo much better. Wild how this can happen. My EMDR therapist is really helping me overcome my complex trauma, as well as learning to accept myself in my identity issues as well.

This week is also National #EatingDisorders Awareness week, and I am doing my best to stay strong! My ED thoughts have been bothering me lately, but I am fighting it. I feel brave today, but that doesn't mean things have been easy. I would love to hear from others on here.

#Trauma #PTSD #Depression #Anxiety #Bipolar1Disorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #TicDisorders #LearningDisabilities #Dyspraxia #ADHD #SensoryProcessingDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Autism #AnorexiaNervosa #Dyscalculia #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #GenderDysphoria #RestlessLegSyndrome #IrritableBowelSyndrome


What diagnoses do you have? And what is something about you unrelated to your diagnoses? #CheckInWithMe

I’ll go first: I have a laundry list of diagnoses at this point, which I’ll leave in the hashtags. Something about me unrelated to my diagnoses? I am a writer, dog parent, graduate student, twin, and I love to make art and travel! I love learning foreign languages too. Oh and I’ve done stand up comedy!
#Bipolar1Disorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Anxiety #ADHD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #TicDisorders #EatingDisorders #LearningDisabilities #Autism #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Dyspraxia #SensoryProcessingDisorder #TraumaticBrainInjury #Dermatillomania #RestlessLegSyndrome #Insomnia

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Proud of all of us on here! #CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth

Hi mighty readers. I noticed one of my articles became quite popular (the one about NVLD— a unique learning disability)! I am proud of myself for this, among many other things.

I am also proud of myself because I graduate my #Trauma based IOP program on Friday! Last 3 days coming up fast!

Hope you are all hanging in there despite your struggles.

Oh and feel free to check out my Instagram @obsessive.but.awesome for more posts like this one! I made the picture above :)
#Depression #Bipolar1Disorder #ADHD #TouretteSyndrome #DevelopmentalDyspraxia #Autism #NonverbalLearningDisability #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #CPTSD #SensoryProcessingDisorder #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #Dyscalculia #Dermatillomania #RestlessLegSyndrome #AnorexiaNervosa #PMDD #Recovery !!!



I had a bad reaction to my topamax. I just finished tapering up on my topamax, and I reacted terribly. I had to leave work to get fluids and treated with some meds. But what sucks even more was the topamax was actually helping until this happened. #medicationproblems #ChronicIllness #Migraines #Fibromyalgia #RestlessLegSyndrome

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The Return of Restless Legs

It was a while without symptoms this time around, but apparently this time last year, I was having #RLS #RestlessLegSyndrome and I snapped this picture of an image my neurologist made in med school. I have been through this before and will get through it again. Are there any home treatments you have found helpful for restless legs?

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