I was diagnosed about 15 years ago with just so Neue hypoallergic pots gastroparesis and later on MCAS before that decades of what they called fibromyalgia con fatigue syndrome, many miscarriages, and a lot of what they call just happened to be bad luck medical situations. I was recently sent to a pain management Specialist by another pain management Doctor Who worked with my spine doctor. He wanted me to have a consult with this person this person went over my extensive medical history examined me, and I told him I do not have a history of being super flexible if anything always uncoordinated and clumsy While my some of my kids are very flexible and can do all those wrist and arm things that I cannot do he examined me as I’m dealing with yet another episode of a side joint syndrome and then looked at me and said you REDS you have been all this time Is this possible as for all these years the doctors have been trying to figure out where my just saw Denoia came from as mine has gotten worse and worse over the last few years I have many specialist, dealing with each part of my body for my gastroparesis for a neurologically, my proprioception and Gate and Balance And I’m very sensitive to all medication which I’ve been told could be my mass cell issues. I guess I’m just right now Steine after seeing so many doctors for so many years any input or thought would be very welcomed and appreciated. Bless you.
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do you suffer from all 4..?? or have tips on how to manage them all at once?
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sue Lindsay
Diagnosed EDS at 72 yrs ?
I’m still wondering if this is possible . I have dysautonomia diagnosed over 15 years ago, seen by some of the best was told I had pot hyper adrenergic form and a bunch of other initials. Fast forward a few years later the IBS was gastroparesis and the rashes were MCAS. Neurologically, they thought it was MS, but it wasn’t trouble with Balance gate and proprioceptor. Pain throughout my body has been as far back as I can remember. But having someone tell me this this far into the game now I’m just wondering is it really possible that no one picked it up until now or should I take this diagnosis with a grain of salt. I was referred to this specialist a pain management facility and this person has a special interest with EDS patients. Went over my complete medical history from childhood to now and had a family member take me and examine that person briefly who is very hyper flexible but I am not and that’s what always made me believe there could be no connection. Any opinions are appreciated. God bless you all.
About Pots,fibromyalgia,ehlers-danlos,&chronic-fatigue
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do you suffer from all 4..?? or have tips on how to manage them all at once?
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sue Lindsay
Diagnosed EDS at 72 yrs ?
I’m still wondering if this is possible . I have dysautonomia diagnosed over 15 years ago, seen by some of the best was told I had pot hyper adrenergic form and a bunch of other initials. Fast forward a few years later the IBS was gastroparesis and the rashes were MCAS. Neurologically, they thought it was MS, but it wasn’t trouble with Balance gate and proprioceptor. Pain throughout my body has been as far back as I can remember. But having someone tell me this this far into the game now I’m just wondering is it really possible that no one picked it up until now or should I take this diagnosis with a grain of salt. I was referred to this specialist a pain management facility and this person has a special interest with EDS patients. Went over my complete medical history from childhood to now and had a family member take me and examine that person briefly who is very hyper flexible but I am not and that’s what always made me believe there could be no connection. Any opinions are appreciated. God bless you all.