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💅 Pretty Little Things 💅

I have always loved having pretty looking nails, it always makes me feel better. I used to bite my nails as a kid and my mum tried everything to get me to stop but nothing worked. Then she decided to paint my nails one day and they looked so pretty that it didn’t want to mess them up so I didn’t bite at my nails. Such a simple solution to what is a tricky habit to break. Since then I have always liked getting my nails done, but 4 years ago FND robbed my of the ability to go to a nail salon and have my nails painted and designed. So, since I don’t use nail extensions, I decided to take things into my own hands… literally, and started trying out different designs on my nails. It worked rather well because I had pretty nails again and it also gave me a way to still be creative and artistic too. It might take me a while to do my nails because of my health but I still get there in the end and that gives me a sense of accomplishment. These are some of my favourite creations that I’ve done and I’m sure I will have more along the way. It might seem like a small thing but it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. 💅😍🥳
#52SmallThings #MightyMinute #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder
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I’m back!! 👋🏻

Hi everyone, sorry I’ve not posted anything for a few weeks - I haven’t been very well lately. Thankfully it’s not Covid related, I have been battling severe Tonsillitis and it’s been really draining all my energy. It’s hard enough living with chronic illness without having to battle extra health issues on top of it all. The main thing is that I am back on The Mighty, I’ve missed you all! 💝🥰
#CheckInWithMe #MightyMinute #52SmallThings #CheerMeOn #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Stress #Asthma #Disability #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FND #FNDAwareness #fndwarrior #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #JHSAwareness #JHSWarrior #ChronicIllness #chronicillnessawareness #chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #chronicpainawareness #Chronicpainwarrior #SpoonTheory #spooniewarrior

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My Personal Reminder!

A while back, I recognised that I was starting to slip back into the same dark place that I had needed the help of a Psychologist to get out of in the past. The thought that I could end up “back a square one” (as the saying goes) scared me because I didn’t want to ever end up in that dark place again, not if I could help it. I started to realise that the feelings that I was experiencing were similar to the feelings of grief I had when my mum passed away. That’s when I realised that I was grieving, but this time it wasn’t because of death - I was grieving for my “old” self, the one who could do all those things that I still wanted to do but no longer could. That’s when I decided I needed to do something, so I took a photo of my “old” self, laughing, doing something fun, being happy, and I added “STAY STRONG I’LL BE BACK!!” Then I made this updated photo the lock-screen on my phone so that every time I picked my phone up I saw that reminder, from myself, to myself, that things won’t always be difficult and that I could be happy again. Some days I kept picking up my phone just to see that reminder and slowly it started to help me - I no longer feel myself slipping into that dark place again, if anything, I actually feel like I am slowly climbing back out of the darkest. I might not have made it to where I want to be yet but I’m not where I was before and that’s good enough for me.
#CheckInWithMe #MightyMinute #52SmallThings #CheerMeOn #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Stress #Disability #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FND #FNDAwareness #fndwarrior #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #JHS #JHSAwareness #JHSWarrior #ChronicIllness #chronicillnessawareness #chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #chronicpainawareness #Chronicpainwarrior #creativity #EnjoyTheLittleThings