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Spine question

Does anyone have opinions on transitional vertebra? I went to a spine doctor, and I am a little frustrated because he said I need to sit up straight, and go to physical therapy, which I already did for 4 months last year. As well, he said my lordotic curve is normal (my stomach sticks out). I just don’t know if I feel he is right. As well he said weight loss would help.

#kyphosis #lordosis #Fibromyalgia #HypermobilitySyndrome #ChronicPain


A bad day 😞

I’m having so much pain in my low back, down my entire right leg. It hurts so bad and it feels weak and sensitive. #Fibromyalgia #kyphosis #lordosis #HypermobilitySyndrome



I posted on gaslighting and many other sites regarding my spinal issue/Dr issue. I'm going to say I was very upset about how I was treated or rather NOT treated but brushed aside. I took a deep breath after posting and barely getting any support I decided to pull back and put my energies into finding help. I'll be seeing another neurosurgeon in June getting another MRI. I've also started seeing my soft tissue therapist who is beyond medically educated and very up to date on world wide health updates in pain managment. He is currently using a new device, originally developed in Russia, then France now used all over Europe. But bc of USA crap FDA etc Big pharma would loose out, blah blah.
Anyway the FIRST time he used the device on me I gained the ability to make it to the bathroom without accidents. We're now working on my sacrum and legs. I've already gained some strength and had some pain reduction. I will continue to post my progress this should be unique. This is NOT some snake oil remedy, can you imagine what would happen to the health care industry if we could heal ourselves! I hope someone reads this seriously. # ADHD # Baastrupt syndrome #Anxiety #Fibromyaliga #Reynards syndrome #Osteoporosis #Osteopenia #spinal Stenosis #lordosis # Kyphosis #Shingles


Sorry for the long post, kind of an intro, kind of a seeking support, mostly a vent/rant, not really a way to TLDR this though

In my process of trying to get pregnant (3.5years) we went to an infertility specialist, she had me go for some testing, where they found I have a blocked left fallopian tube, and my ovaries had endometriomas. I had been trying for over a decade to get someone to take my period pain seriously and agreed to have them go in remove the endometriosis. They preliminarily deduced that it likely had spread to other organs.

Background: I have 1 runted kidney, scoliosis, lordosis, a bulging L4-5 disk, partially bulging T1-2 and T2-3, chronic unknown cause migraines, bells palsy (initial occurance in May), unknown cause muscle/nerve issues in my left leg, left lower back, and left fore-arm. I am hyper-mobile (31yo and can stick both feet behind my head when my body is not otherwise in pain) and for 2 years I have suspected a connective tissue disorder. my belief is ethler danlos syndrome, for which I got laughed out of the geniology office after missing the test for it by 1 point, and she didn't run any others.

They scheduled my procedure as out patient on the 30th, laprascopic, as would normally be scheduled. With the concern of a connective tissue disorder (my gyno was the first to take that concern seriously) she ordered an echo of my heart to check for aortic problems. They found some minor (like barely detectable) excess fluid on the heart, but nothing else was wrong, my new cardiologist cleared me for surgery.

My surgery went ahead as scheduled Sept 30th, they cleared the endometrioma from my right ovary, the outside of my uterus, the outside of my bladder, and a small bit on my abdominal wall. They did not detect any on my fallopian tubes or GI tract. They drained the endometrioma from the left ovary prepping to remove it at some point, but did not get to removing it because of course, something went wrong.

My left illiac artery developed a tear and started pumping blood into my abdominal cavety. They sliced me open belly button to groin and sutured the tear, the sutures tore, then they got the next set to stick. They closed me up and sent me to recovery. Where they decided to also keep me overnight for observation.

Overnight I developed a thrombosis (clot) and had to be taken for emergency surgery the next day. By mid-day I'm under the knife again. This time they had ambulanced me to the other location for the hospital which had the trauma 1 center with the imaging equipment in the same room as the surgery theater. My father (an anesthesiologist and intensivist) said this single decision probably saved my life.

(see comment for the rest)

#Infertility #Pregnancy #Surgery #Endometriosis #clot #stent #almostdied #NearDeathExperiences #Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #frustration #Insomnia #Scoliosis #lordosis #bulgingdiscs #nervepain #BellsPalsy