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Me time

Omg I seriously needed this walk. I stayed in due to my insomnia and the next day my son had a day off so I spent the day with him. I finally Vito walk. I walk to the mall had my Starbucks breakfast and my favorite drink. #Selfcare #Selflove #Metime #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PTSD

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I tried somewhere new for me time #Metime

I decided to try a new coffee place which you can walk too. It’s called Fiddleheads very good coffee. I even tried a ham and cheese croissant which was very tasty. It was pricey but worth every penny. The coffee was very good and that’s huge for me to say that. Now I’m finishing my coffee then heading home. #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PTSD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorde #PanicAttacks

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Went out walking stopped at Starbucks #Metime #Selfcare #Selflove

Went walking today the sunshine was so comforting I’m currently at Starbucks. It’s going to be near 50 in Wisconsin so I decided to take advantage of it. With Wisconsin in change really quick weather wise #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PTSD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorde

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the day suddenly turned into a funny beginning

I came back from the city to spend the weekend at home.
Today everyone has stuff to do, so I'm alone.
Coming back from my alone life in the city to be alone again kinda felt a bit disappointing, for a while; at the beginning.

I was rehearsing my to do list and checking my surrounding, ackowledging the presence of my pets, when I said to myself:
"Ce, you have spent two years like this, alone at home. Don't you dare telling me you don't know how to engage in self-time".
Eheh, it suddently has become funny.
I may be laughing in tiny.!

I'm preparing a 1l kettle of tea, I'm gonna take a shower (when I'll feel ready to, though), fix my hair, I'm gonna try and reply to my penpal's letter, study a bit, take a walk, maybe with my dog, try and take some autumn pictures again, listen to some music and sing along; I have two biscuits and a little bunch of chestnuts to eat and my cats. Plus, I could come up with many more activities, so, yep, I'm finding it funny that for a moment I have been feeling sad at the idea of spending the majority of this day alone.
Now I can't wait to do all of these stuff while being alone.
[I'm so used to be alone that this is obviously the reason why I was feeling sad. But between this and stating that I don't know what to do alone there's a huge gap; I wasn't paying attention ^^]

I'm gonna enjoy myself and any thing I'll have around.



#alone #Loneliness #Metime #ME #Pets #Hobby #Selfcare #Alonetime

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Self care

Self care is soo important showers and baths are my happy place and after wards it's face mask and hair care it sounds a lot but I love it !! And during the day organizing and cleaning and getting things done always keeping busy is good and it also helps !! #Selfcare #Showers #Metime

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Dinner with a view ....

Already dreading thinking about needing to leave tomorrow and back to normality ....
Have had the best and well needed break i have had in a very long time ,my anxiety hasn't been anywhere near as often or reoccurring as normal ,I have truly realised its so important to just take time like this anychance you can to have YOU time and enjoy the quiet ......

Hope everyone is safe and having a nice weekend 😊 ❤

#youmatter #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #CheckInWithMe #Endometriosis #DistractMe #TheMighties #Insomnia #dailycheckin #theoutdoors #Metime

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Take time to recharge #recharge #Selfcare #Depression #SocialAnxiety #Metime

Sometimes the world can be too much.
Sometimes the people we surround ourselves with can drain our batteries.
There is no shame in staying in and being with yourself.
You will be in a better headspace when it comes time to 'people.'
Take care of you. On your lonesome. Whatever that may look like. xo #unwind #Anxiety


Long day

Today felt like the longest day I’ve had all month. My students were getting on my last nerve and I am behind in my paperwork. I have zero motivation to get it done and don’t know how to tell my team. Then I got home and laid down and I didn’t want to get back up. Thankfully my girlfriend was here to motivate me and get me out the door for my second job. I just want to be selfish and not go to work but I know my students and clients need me... trying to relax now with face mask and movie night . Thank god my girlfriend knows how to help me relax! Hoping I have more motivation tomorrow.. #Depression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PosttraumaticStressDisiroder #Metime