My Head Is Too Full

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My Head Is Too Full
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What is support these days? I think I have urealistic beliefs of things. Over expectations. I hate being stuck in this shit hole of a head #EUPD emotionally unstable personality disorder #EUPD #aniexty #MyHeadIsTooFull



Do you ever just get to that point of looking around at your life.. friends, family, partners, achievements and just want to scream cuz your fed up of feeling like such a failure and you can't tell anyone what's going on in your head cuz not even you know how to piece it all together. It's all just so tiring trying to figure out where to start #Depression #Anxiety #MyHeadIsTooFull #FeelingAlone #AnxietyAttack #DepressionAndMentalHealth



Do you ever just get to that point of looking around at your life.. friends, family, partners, achievements and just want to scream cuz your fed up of feeling like such a failure and you can't tell anyone what's going on in your head cuz not even you know how to piece it all together. It's all just so tiring trying to figure out where to start #Depression #Anxiety #MyHeadIsTooFull #FeelingAlone #AnxietyAttack #DepressionAndMentalHealth



Another sleepless night. I just can’t make my head be quiet. So many racing thoughts. I can’t make sense of it all. I’ve tried sleepy time tea, meditation, melatonin, insincerity’s, even Ambien and nothing seems to be working. Any other ideas? I’m open to suggestions. #Insomnia #MyHeadIsTooFull


I need to snap out of this! Any tips?

I have a huge exam coming up Monday evening. I’ve started studying, but my heart is not in it. I know there is so much more to do, to read, to write. But my brain doesn’t seem to be processing the words as I go over them. My mood is terrible because of my anxiety for this exam; over the last few days I’ve lashed out at family (though I’ve denied it to them I know it’s true). I’ve ignored friends and pasted on a fake smile at work. It’ll all be over in 48 hours and I need to just study and stop wasting time and hurting those around me. I’m so frustrated with myself for just not being able to bring myself to care. Maybe writing this will motivate me... and maybe not. Anyone have ideas on how to get into a better headspace? #Motivation #mood #MyHeadIsTooFull #CheckInWithMe #Stress #exams #CheerMeOn #encouragement #ClearMyHead #apathy



Just can not focus today.... anxiety so high I feel high! Headache got so bad I threw up.

Just tired battling these horrible days .

My heads too full...... time for bed! Xx