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What do you need this week? #52SmallThings

Maybe you need something tangible, like your medication or groceries. Maybe you need space or an activity to take your mind off things for a while. Or perhaps you’re in looking for extra support or compassion.

What do you need this week? Share with us below.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Parenting #RareDisease #Disability #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ChronicPain #Migraine #Autism #MyNeedsMatter #honoryourneeds #Nourishment #CheckInWithMe

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What can you say “no” to today?

Maybe your energy is low and you decide the dishes can wait until tomorrow. Perhaps you don’t need to text the person back who always leaves you feeling drained after conversations. Or maybe you simply need a break from a responsibility that’s been weighing heavy on you. Whatever the case may be, let’s honor our needs today by using this short but powerful sentence: “No.” 🗣

#MightyMinute #MyNeedsMatter #honoryourneeds #no #boundaries #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #Disability #RareDisease #Parenting #Autism #Cancer #WednesdayWisdom

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Choose the word you need this week.

Pick from our list of things that might make the coming days a bit easier for you, or comment with your own:

🌱 Hope
⚡️ Energy
💕 Self-love
🔥 Motivation
😌 Forgiveness
⏳ Patience
⏰ Time
💭 Other (your choice!)

P.S. Please know this entire Mighty family is rooting for you — this week and always.👏

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #MondayMoji #newweek #MyNeedsMatter #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Autism #Parenting #Cancer #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression

Most common user reactions 6 reactions 423 comments
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What do you need this week?

Maybe you need something tangible, like groceries or your medication. Maybe your needs are actionable, like an activity to take your mind off things for a while or to go to a doctor’s appointment. Or perhaps your needs are mental or emotional, and you’re simply looking for some extra support, understanding or compassion.

Let’s be there for each other this week, and remind one and other that our needs matter (especially at a time like this). ❤️

#MightyMinute #MyNeedsMatter #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #Parenting #RareDisease #Cancer #Autism #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #honoryourneeds

Most common user reactions 1 reaction 306 comments
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What’s one way someone else can support you while you’re stuck at home?

Bring you a home-cooked meal? Help you buy essentials? Video chat with you? Send you pictures of cute animals or good music recs? Tell us what you need from others when you’re not able to venture outside.

Bonus points if you share one way we might be able to help others — loved ones, neighbors and more — who are in self-isolation. ❤️

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #MyNeedsMatter #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #ChronicPain #RareDisease #COVID19 #Anxiety #Depression #Parenting #Cancer #Autism #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #MightyTogether


What makes you feel most comfortable in your own skin? #Liveinmyskin #MySymptoms #mighty #MyNeedsMatter

Why do I feel most comfortable in my own skin watching horror flix with my cats?!


Invisible Disabilities Week

What do you see when you look at me?
The ever-present smile? The haircut? My adorable shoes?
What about the bruises?
I currently have 17 on my legs.
The scars?
The one that looks like a vampire bite is from a skin biopsy looking to see the extent of my nerve damage.
That rib poking out a bit too far?
Sometimes you can see them slip in and out of place when I move.
Can you hear that popping when I’m eating?
That’s my jaw dislocating.
Did you notice the clumps of hair?
I’ve been losing it for 7 years, but it’s gotten worse since I was on chemo.
What about all the yawning?
Sometimes yawning is the best way I can move air in and out of my lungs with my airways collapsing.
Or the needle marks?
My record number of vials of blood taken in one draw is 19.
Did you notice the dark circles under my eyes? The weight fluctuation? The grimace I sometimes can’t hide as I move? All the weird ways I sit to find comfort in my twisted body? My frequent absence?
What about the pain?
Can you see the pain behind my smile?

Invisible illnesses aren’t always so invisible. #InvisibleIllnessAwarenessWeek #InvisibleDisability #InvisibleIllnesses #MyNeedsMatter #MightyTogether