Everything is to much to cope with right now, I can't manage my negative emotions, I want them all to stop 😔
My Dad can be a trigger for me as some of you know. But I still haven't got over what he said to me the other day. I know he comes out with such random stuff but this for me was a big trigger. He randomly said " Had i seen on the news that a 13yr old girl had been raped? " I said no. Then he carried on and on about " How the poor girl will be affected for life and how cruel it was etc etc." I couldn't look at him but could still hear his words. The more he said the more it dug deep into my soul to a point where I nearly screamed at him. I know he is older now but how can he give a girl he doesn't know so much sympathy and yet , when i was raped at 14 he just called me a liar and i shouldn't say such things. We never ever spoke about it again and it left me having to manage so many emotions that i didn't understand . I am still struggling to come to terms with it now. Maybe he doesn't remember what happened to me or surely he would avoid saying anything about things like that.
I got home to then have a phone call , for a once a month check in, from the mental health team. The woman was saying how bad my scores were, 70% chance of suicide, and when is the last time i self harmed. I told her it was Saturday. She abruptly said i shouldn't be cutting myself and i need to lock the knife away. I was crying and said i couldn't at this particular time, i told her mentally I had had a rough few weeks which I am still trying to come to terms with and understand, and today, with dad , just added to my failing to deal with my emotions. She told me things to try. Then she was gone. 15 minutes she was on the phone. She could tell i was upset but that didn't seem to make any difference to her. It left me feeling guilty that i should try harder, i do try but sometimes its so difficult...The way she spoke to me made me feel like I do not matter to anyone, even the health professionals. My two friends who helped me in the beginning have now become really distant. I can't manage all these mixed up feelings right now. Does anyone really care or do people just see me as a burden 😥
#MentalHealth #Depression #Loneliness #self -harm #SuicidalThoughts