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Sometimes I hate language #Autism #CommunicationDisorder #AugmentativeAndAlternativeCommunication #LanguageDisorder

Lately the stress in my life has been messing with my language abilities, more than usual. Mostly expressive, but of course, since I have developmental receptive language difficulties as well, that's affected too. It's reminded me (over and over again) that the basic, underlying , fundamental difficulties that have been with me all my life really haven't changed, even though I've got oodles more compensatory skills than I used to. Many of which I've been losing to various degrees, for varying lengths of time.

I really don't have anyone in my life anymore who understands what it's like to struggle with language, to struggle with communication, to struggle even with the concepts that underlie these things. Much less the physical difficulties that present themselves periodically as well. (Movement disorder type things, which may or may not be partially diagnosed). #Apraxia #ApraxiaOfSpeech #VocalCordDysfunction #FocalDystonia #SensoryProcessingDisorder #SensoryIntegration

I feel like such an alien sometimes... having difficulty understanding concepts other people (even children) take for granted, yet easily understanding and being able to do things other people find difficult, easily.

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Help through meltdowns

Hi is there any suggestions that can be offered for helping through a meltdown? My son has sensory integration disorder, autism, learning/ developmental and speech delays. He has multiple meltdowns a day some caused by not being understood some by noises from cars passing by outside. I got him noise reduction headphones they help sometimes but sometime they don't help out. He has a quiet space to calm down but his meltdowns are getting to the point where it's taking him sometimes hours to calm down. I give him space and let him come to me when he is calm because if anyone goes near him during the meltdown it will last longer. More and more things that did not bother him before are now bothering him. Am I doing anything wrong should I try anything? Please I jus want to help my son through his struggles. #Autism #SensoryIntegration #meltdownsupport thank u for taking time for reading this and for the support


Any advice or help for helping son with #Autism #SensoryIntegration #sensoryprocessing #SuperMom

Hi I'm new here. I am a mom of two handsome boys and a stepmother to a boy and girl. Alittle about me is my youngest biological son is a smart talented and special 6 year old. He has sensory processing/integration disorder, a speech delay, developmental delay and is going through the process of seeing if he has autism as well. He is such a amazing boy who has so much energy love and compassion. He is extremely smart and grasps onto things very quickly. He is able to complete up to 200 piece puzzles without any assistance and loves doing anything educational or learning related. He is loved by anyone who comes into contact with him. He is sensitive to loud noises and can be easily over stimulated. He tends to get frustrated when he is not understood due to him not being able to produce most words or he will create his own words for stuff. For example he calls all my cats by his own names for them " mittens is mackey and max is puppup. Another example is he will call YouTube "book". He kind of made up his own language for stuff. When he has a meltdown anything and everything will set him off whether it be someone walking into same room ad him If someone talks or touches him etc. He has to be left alone so he can calm himself down and once he settles down he will comeback to playing as normal or to be with preferred person he is around. Usually is me. He has a extremely close bond with me and is very attached to me. Don't get me wrong he loves his dad but when it comes to anything he needs or loves cuddles if he gets hurt etc he's all about mom. He's like my little sidekick :)he loves to help out when I bake or cook loves school and loves to do anything hands on. Any advice to help me out that'll b great he is alot to handle especially when in middle of a meltdown wich happens often due to he is super sensitive to anything said or done near him. I love my son he's amazing wouldn't trade this experience for anything. I also have a 11year old with adhd but that's a different story. My 2 stepchildren are great helpers and are very supportive of this all. #Sensory processing disorder #SuperMom # autism #Never give up

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World Voice Day post #WVD

Well, before World Voice Day ends, I guess I should follow through on my impulse this morning to post something about it, spawned by a suggestion from the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association. I guess I should start with I don't actually have a diagnosis for my vocal spasms and the related breathing, and sometimes swallowing issues, #Undiagnosed but SD was one of the working assumptions by several people in my life (medical professional and otherwise) for a long time. I've been questioning if we got it right recently, but am not sure I'll ever really know, given the lack of specialists arouhd here, and several other factors. Or, for that matter, how much good it would do me, other than just knowing, given the lack of research and knowledge that exists on some of the other possibilities.
#Dystonia #VocalCordDysfunction

Anyways, combined with some of the #CPTSD #Trauma #PTSD issues, and the #Autism and #AdultDiagnosis and #SensoryProcessingDisorder #SensoryIntegration issues, I've been dealing with voice issues, and difficulties with #speech and #SpeechDisorders all my life. It was only by giving up on speech as my main method of communication that I was able to learn that there was a purpose for speech, and that it sometimes did have its' uses. #CommunicationDisorders after many years of using AAC for any communication situation I wasn't comfortable in, I am slowly coming to see that not only is speech not the enemy, nor is communication as a whole, but that despite my #CentralAuditoryProcessingDisorder , sometimes I do also prefer to hear certain people's voices, and communicate with them in real time, and through this very difficult medium (for me) with them.

Having been allowed to take control of how I communicate in communicative situations has made a world of difference for me, and changed my whole perspective on socialization on general. Especially as diversity is becoming more accepted in society (mostly. Don't get me started on the backsliding I see happening during COVID!) so that there is less animosity and more patience exhibited by society when they see me using AAC.


Questioning the origin of my vocal spasms

#VocalCordDysfunction #Dystonia #Autism #Dysphagia #SensoryIntegration #SensoryProcessingDisorder #MotorDisorders #Dyspraxia #Apraxia #ApraxiaOfSpeech #Undiagnosed I posted a question on the vocal cord dysfunction and dystonia communities earlier tonight, and then did a little research on vocal cord dysfunction in order to see if I could find any answers to a question that has been unanswered or partially answered for decades in my life. About the cause of the painful vocal spasms I've had all my life, and the dysphagia issues that developed in early adulthood, that seemed to be related. An exacerbation, if you will. Both have waxed and waned significantly since.

What I found google suggested two things: 1. Nobody in the medical community really has a clue about vocal spasms, although the field of dystonia has more knowledge than the rest. And 2: Given all my other issues, it is entirely likely these symptoms are not caused by jyst one thing. It could be a number of things! Oh yeah, I forgot to add #Trauma #PTSD #CPTSD and #Asthma to the list of potential factors. Oh, and #childabusesurvivor .

Stress does seem to have played a factor, as does #Fatigue especially as I consider the baseline level of fatigue and stress I lived with for most if my life that I am only now beginning to realize the effects they must've had on me, and how much it all must've inhibited my abilities and ability to grow as a person, and to learn. (Which were hidden due to my high intelligence and academic ability. #Hyperlexia played a factor in that. And the general intolerance of the people in my environment, and the ableist nature of society in general.) And the cost its all had on/to me.

But there's a lot of neurological complexities too, as you can see by the hashtags. It makes me leery of trying yo officially get this sorted out after all. Most medical professionals won't know quite what to make of it all, if they even know the terms! Still, I wonder... I've always thought it was one thing, or mostly one thing, but maybe it isn't. Maybe it is more part of the whole "interesting neurological mess" thing so many autistics find themselves dealing with. (Multiple neurological syndromes that are too complicated to try to explain how they all work, never mind interact, to outsiders)

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Sensory swing saviour

Although it's not ideal because we cannot get the frame for my swing (because they can't get the materials due to COVID-19) over the last five days it has kept me far more stable than I would have been. With my Sensory integration therapy up in the air and the lockdown continuing, I'm thankful. I have been having a really hard time and still am but this is my one bit of rest bight, although I do wait for it to bein shade otherwise cue headache and nausea! My body is weird. Apparently I'm a different child when I come of the swing, like after I spend time with animals. I may not be able to do traditional mindfulness but this is my regulation. I can spin in circles but can't swing very far because of all the plants! But it's nice.
During this uncertain times think about your sensory needs.

[Description- the underside view of the top of my sensory swing, it has a round disk with four ropes coming off it and is attached to a wooden beam]

#Autism #SensoryProcessingDisorder #SensoryIntegration #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #COVID19


My daughter is in the process of being tested for Sensory Integration Disorder. In all I have learned about it, I am beginning to wonder if I have it.

I think I read somewhere that a possibility is that it's hereditary. Where would an adult get tested for this? My daughter is going through a children's hospital Occupational Therapy dept.

#SensoryIntegration #sensoryprocessing #SensoryIssues