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Shocked by being shocked! 😮

Every day, I put on nerve relief and muscle relief on and around the battery pack generator. It helps but yesterday, it shocked me! The tip of my first finger. I had to finish putting it on and it kept shocking me. I was shocked 4-5 times and one of them shocked BOTH the first finger and the second one. I was very surprised because it has never happened before. It shocked me just now when I was putting it on again. I have to use it because like I said it works. It’s Theraworx. You can buy it on Amazon. Yes, that is spelled right. I got the 5% lidocaine patches from my doctor. I wish they could prescribe 10% if there is one. It seems at first it works like the 4% but when I stopped using it and then needed it, it’s actually much stronger. But the whole point, the battery generator shocked me!

I wanted to show you my doggy best friend whose owners are my Aunt Mom and Uncle Dad. She knows my name. She stays by my side the entire time when I go over there and spend a few nights there. I like to get her squeaky toys because she pushes her nose on it to make it squeak and then she tears it apart. 😂😂 no worries, she doesn’t swallow them and we clean it up right away.

just a thought,


#CRPS #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #scs #spinalcordstimulator #SpinalCordInjury #Sci

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Neurosurgeon looked at my xray and said it was normal however, I don’t know why but he took another look at it and said the leads of the SCS have moved. The biggest thing is that it causes severe pain. Something is compressing my nerves or spine or something. I think the battery pack or generator is either the culprit of the compression or the leads are or both. They asked me if I wanted a revision or removal. After all the hell I have been through with the SCS, it’s definitely a removal. I’m so happy to get this thing out of me! Now, this isn’t exactly normal for SCS so don’t get discouraged. This is quite rare but all my life of medical problems, it’s always been rare. Anyway, I got to make an appointment to discuss this with Neurosurgeon and I’m assuming about the surgery to remove it and make sure I really want this. I’m going to ask him if the severe pain from the leads are the same symptoms as sciatica or the cause of degenerative changes. But he has said he’s just a surgeon which made me laugh when my mom told me. I wasn’t paying attention. I was very out of it that day. If he says anything about the SCS and pain, I’m going to quote him, “that doesn’t happen”. 🤣🤣 sorry, I can’t help it. I like f-ing with people.

I have found the best nerve relief and muscle relief products. Theraworx. It’s on Amazon (I’m obsessed) and it’s of huge help. It’s kind of a pain in the ass because you put it on, let it dry and repeat but it’s completely worth it. You can do it as many times as needed but give it time to work. It won’t take long. It dries fast and then you put it on again. It’s for everyone, not just for CRPSers and possible sciatica. I sent my mom the link to a sciatica brace because the one we ordered was a scam. I felt like that was cruel. Like, how could you but this brace is on Amazon (I told you I was obsessed) so it should be good. I’m still SMH, though. I’ll update when I see Neurosurgeon.

Oh! Rep still hasn’t said anything. I told him about the leads which he would respond but he didn’t. Either he’s really swamped or he’s giving me the silent treatment.

#CRPS #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #scs #spinalcordstimulator #SpinalCordInjury #Sci

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checking in

Hi Friends how is everyone doing? It's been ages, things have been a bit crazy for me in real life. Pneumonia that lasted forever and a lot of dealing with family health issues. it's amazing how health stuff gets in the way of everything. 😔 Anyhoo, hoping my art friends are doing well. 💙🎨 I finally finished this illustration for one of my stories that I started years ago. Woop! I'll try to check in more again. #Art #ArtTherapy #ChronicPain #chronicmigraine #BackPain #PsoriaticArthritis #SpinalStenosis #spinalcordstimulator

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How do you combat stress?

Hi Friends,

What a year it's been, my stepsons father passed unexpectedly and so we've been dealing with that, it hasn't been long since my own father died, so it's been weird. A dear friend (like a mom to me) is also not doing well. Art has been my saving grace through everything going on lately, and I'm lucky to have a few commissions at the moment to keep my brain busy. Before painting, when i was trapped in bed, i used to meditate a lot. What are some ways that you use to combat stress? I sure could use any advice! (my latest painting below) #Stress #Anxiety #Art #ArtTherapy #spinalcordstimulator #BackPain #SpinalStenosis #neckpain #ChronicMigraines #PsoriaticArthritis #Depression

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Working again

I'm in bed from pain, so thought I'd catch up here. This is one of the latest paintings I've done. I've started doing portrait commissions again too! Such a big step for me since i haven't in over a decade! I'm already in over my head, but I'm very happy to be working again. 😁 Thinking of myself last year this time, stuck in bed almost all the time and so depressed. It's just something I never thought I'd be able to do again. Thank you to all the mighty cheerleaders that have helped me to start living again! 💙 #FailedBackSurgery #spinalcordstimulator #SpinalStenosis #BackPain #neckpain #ChronicMigraines #PsoriaticArthritis #Depression #MiniStroke #AnkylosingSpondylitis

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Back to painting

Hi Mighty Friends! I'm back, but i had a couple of good months! Got to travel and visit my new nephews, got to some museums and had a good summer. How was your summer? I'm going to a neurosurgeon soon because of my neck issues. Always something, isn't it? Glad to be painting again, though, it really helps. #PsoriaticArthritis #BackPain #spinalcordstimulator #Art #ArtTherapy #neckpain #SpinalStenosis #chronicmigraine #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #Anxiety

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My first bird painting

I had to paint a King Fisher bird for an assignment. This is in watercolors. Hoping everyone is doing ok, haven't seen some of the usual people around. Maybe like me, just trying to enjoy the summer and not feeling the best? #Art #ArtTherapy #SpinalStenosis #BackPain #ChronicMigraines #PsoriaticArthritis #ChronicIllness #spinalcordstimulator

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Sketch of one of my book characters

Hi everyone! My Wife loved the rainbow rose 😁 That made me really happy. I've got a new mp3 player for my birthday and it's amazing how it's made me feel creative again! One old song I'd forgotten about made me start this sketch the other night. He's the more real version of me (not in looks lol) But in a wheel chair, etc. I want to paint this eventually. #ChronicPain #chronicmigraine #ChronicFatigue #SpinalStenosis #BackPain #Wheelchair #Anxiety #FailedBackSurgery #spinalcordstimulator #AnkylosingSpondylitis

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Watercolor of my nephew

This weekend i did 2 watercolors of my nephews. I'll have to post the other another time. I haven't watercolored in decades, and, even then, it was not portraits. But it felt nice to play with the paint. Heading out in a while for the 2nd in a series of 6 epidurals in my neck as a trial for my next procedure. They are so painful >.< One step closer to getting my nerve endings burned for relief, hopefully! The things we do for pain relief. 😑 #ChronicPain #ChronicPainSyndrome #chronicmigraine #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #FamilialHemiplegicMigraine #SpinalStenosis #AnkylosingSpondylitis #spinalcordstimulator #watercolor #Art #ArtTherapy

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Rainbow Rose

A little rainbow rose i painted for my wife for Valentine's day. Hadn't planned on doing art today, but I'm trying to do something creative every day to forget my pain. #rainbow rose #rainbow #LGBT #ValentinesDay #watercolor #SpinalStenosis #ChronicMigraines #spinalcordstimulator #ChronicPain #Asthma