Two Keys to Kitty Self-Care
We should understand what our fellow kitties have figured out and make sure are needs are being met & our soul is fed as well. What's one way you do that for yourself? My needs and soul is fed through all kinds of music. I couldn't survive without it....#lifeslittlejoys #MightyTogether #TheMighty #Anxiety #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder #ChildhoodEmotionalAbuse #Shame #Trauma #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #SexualTrauma #Daterape #Religious Trauma #MedicalTrauma #ChronicPain #UlcerativeColitis #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease #jpouch #BodyImage #PelvicFloorDysfunction #rectalstricture #Insomnia #RheumatoidArthritis #Jointpain #JointStiffness #gastroesophegealrefluxdisease #stomachulceration #ChronicIllness #mulitipledisabilities #Lonliness #Grief #Suicide #SuicideAwareness #MentalHealth #liftmeup #DistractMe #CheerMeOn #MightyMinute #MakeMeLaugh #checkinonme #checkinonme