#AutismEmployment #Newtherapist #AutismAdvocacy #Anxiety #Agoraphobia
My psychiatrist just retired. My counselor just got a promotion.
I've been applying for disability since last year.
I now realize that I no longer have the emotional capacity or wherewithal to continue working in any environment unless it's without any contact to a front line.
I am ready to cry at any minute just thinking about interacting with people, learning new skills, etc.
I haven't met my new medication management team, but my new counselor seems to think I just need to find a job. I've told her all this and how I've been addressed cookie cutter or in a tone deaf way since being diagnosed as an adult. She's not getting it, and wants me to make a list of why I do/don't need a job, what jobs I'd be interested in.
I'm ready to screw this list up royally, and I don't think this is how it should be especially after all I've listed to her. Outlined responses or breakup tips would be appreciated lol.