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Art & #AutismAdvocacy

Thank you to Bold Journey Magazine for this great conversation, I talk art, advocacy & how learning I was #autistic would set me on a path to walk In my purpose #actuallyautistic #acceptance #autismawareness #latediagnosedautistic

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Whole new support team for Autism spectrum sufferer

#AutismEmployment #Newtherapist #AutismAdvocacy #Anxiety #Agoraphobia
My psychiatrist just retired. My counselor just got a promotion.

I've been applying for disability since last year.
I now realize that I no longer have the emotional capacity or wherewithal to continue working in any environment unless it's without any contact to a front line.
I am ready to cry at any minute just thinking about interacting with people, learning new skills, etc.

I haven't met my new medication management team, but my new counselor seems to think I just need to find a job. I've told her all this and how I've been addressed cookie cutter or in a tone deaf way since being diagnosed as an adult. She's not getting it, and wants me to make a list of why I do/don't need a job, what jobs I'd be interested in.
I'm ready to screw this list up royally, and I don't think this is how it should be especially after all I've listed to her. Outlined responses or breakup tips would be appreciated lol.

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#Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAdvocacy #AutismAwareness #AutismDiagnosis #AutismMeltdowns

Hi I was after some help. I’m wondering how people in the UK get diagnosed with autism by other ways than the NHS. There’s been a mistake with my referral and it has not been done apparently according to my mental health worker so I’m having to go through the referral again which is a 3 year waiting list. Iv been diagnosed with various mental health problems over the years and the last few months I have been exploring the possibility of being on the spectrum with my therapist and mental health worker. Being autistic makes so much more sence to me and how iv been all my life. I’m 34 and a self diagnosis seems to have just clicked with me and explained so much especially the sensory stuff and iv realised iv been “masking” for years. I did a few online tests yesterday and scored extremely high on all of them. I don’t want to have to pay loads to get diagnosed privatley but I’m hoping a diagnosis will open up a new world to me and a way of coping with life. Thank you for reading my comment. #AdultDiagnosis #Autism

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Autism Can Be Overwhelming #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAdvocacy #AutismAwareness #AutismSociety

Autism can be overwhelming on a daily basis. Our minds have 1,000 plus things going on in our heads.

For me I have so many ideas that it gets overwhelming. One way to help myself to keep a level head is to keep a digital to do list.

I know some people like paper but paper overwhelms me because it gets messy and it just stacks up.


Problem with job coach: are autistic meltdowns behavior? #Autism #AutismAdvocacy #nvld #AspergersSyndromeAwareness #AutismMeltdown

So after the SOS post I did my boss seemed to be fine with me; she told me to forget about that day and to do busy work while I wait for patients to finish eating and even helped me with my worker’s compensation claim for being admitted to the ER for suicidal ideation. I am holding a grudge against the coworker who caused the incident and plan to ignore him. I will never forgive him for the pain he caused and shall act as though he is dead because to me he is.
Well my job coach came by and talked to me about it last Thursday and now I might need a new one. She told me that my attitude and behavior is what’s causing the problems and I’m a hypochondriac for looking up things about autism and my physiology. She claims I can control my meltdowns and that I fake blacking out. She thinks me disassociating isn’t real and that even when I get hypoglycemic I can control my actions. She also thinks I’m abusing the accommodation system and that texting my mom during our meetings isn’t normal but rude.
I try to calm down when I feel a meltdown coming on but I get in trouble for leaving my coworkers when I need a breather. I use all the things it says online to calm down but sometimes I just burst from keeping it in. I even try to eat small snacks but some of my coworkers don’t think hypoglycemia is real and tell me to wait. I get overwhelmed and then black out, see myself in 3rd person and when I comeback I cry because I can’t believe I lost control. This only happens frequently at my full time job, my part time job coworkers know my triggers and how to respond to me. My job coach never seemed to educate my managers about my diagnosis and blames me for everything that happens.
I want to know if my actions are normal for autism/NVLD people and if disassociation is a real thing. How can I educate my job coach about this and should I look for a new job coach and a new job? Is this behavioral or my brain being wired differently?



Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself and encourage other group members to do the same. My name is Courtney and I am a 40 year old mother to 3 children. My oldest daughter is 10 and has Autism and is non-verbal. I also have an 8 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. We live in Southwest Pennsylvania and I work full time as a field service manager in the human service field. I originally found this site when looking for resources for my own autoimmune conditions and was happy to see that it was a whole community with a variety of topics covered. #AutismAdvocacy #ParentingAutism

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They joy is in the journey.

Even though my autistic son and I have always took the road less traveled, it has been one hell of a ride. #AutismAdvocacy #autismmom #Neurodiversity

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Live Virtual Event Autistic Adult and Emolyment with Samuel J. Levine. August 10, 7pm Central Standard Time

Samuel J. Levine is the Director of the Jewish Law Institute and a Professor of Law at Touro College in New York. Samuel is a strong advocate for disabed people, but in particular Autistic people in the areas of special education and employment. You are invited to join Philip in a live virtual conversation with Samuel J. Levine to talk about the important issue of employment for Autistic Adults. You will be able to ask him questions. Tickets are $10.00 a person. Go to for more information, then go to the bottom to find the purple box to register to attend the event. #AutisticAdults #Autistic #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAdvocacy #Neurodiversity #Diasbility #Employment