bipolar obsessiveness

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Am I being over emotional? #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarDepression #BipolarObsessiveness #MentalHealth #MoodDisorder #MightyPoets #Poem

My boyfriend went back to his city and now I'm alone again.I felt soo. Much sadness that I can't handle it this time. I cried whole night and I wrote this poem for him.

Everytime I see you walking away,
Knowing already that you'll come back my way..

I try to hold that hand of your tighter,
When I see into your eyes like a fighter...

My heart is aching, eyes are watery,
This soul is yours wanna chaseya already..

Everytime when you say you're gonna leave,
I feel I won't survive, coz you're air that I breathe...

I know I'm over missing you, I'm over emotional,
But, Please Don't Go Before I Get Better emotional
Please Don't Go Before I Get Better emotional..🥺💙

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Help for sleeplessness

I'm new here!
Hi, my name is Sarahvish_25. I'm here because my wife is a treated With bipolar last 7 years, she recently had a relapse after one medication was dropped by gp. She is now taking updated medications ..lithium and quetapine . She's not sleeping during night times and keeps watching mobile phone . This gets her sleep deprived and gets stereotypical imaginations. I have tried to convince her not to use mobile phones while sleeping., but it didn't work out.i have asked Samaritan groups and also requested for CBT., but no response yet . How do I handle this situation. The more she keeps herself awake during nights .., the more the issues. She's not in listening state as she thinks am trying to spoil her happiness. Has anyone gone through this situation.?. Please advise .. #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDisorder #BipolarObsessiveness #Mania #BipolarStigma #Bipolar1Disorder

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Finally #BipolarStigma

I was diagnosed bipolar in 2001 and have never written that sentence before. The stigma of being bipolar has always been a huge wall in front of me. Recently I told my managers and one co-worker that I was bipolar. I missed a week of work because of a depressive episode and my psychiatrist gave me a doctors note. The note had his letterhead so they knew I had some kind of mental health issue. I told them I was bipolar and now I am obsessing over thoughts like: “what if they are judging me?” And “what if I don’t get the promotion because they know I am bipolar?” These thoughts are immersive and even seep into my dreams - making me feel unworthy. Not Mighty. One moment I feel free because I told them, the next my paranoia takes over and I think they are all plotting behind my back. I am stable, medicated, a “good girl who takes her meds” according to my psychiatrist but I feel inferior because they know. I am crazy. I am not getting that promotion. I shouldn’t have told them. But wait, maybe they are woke? Maybe they see me for who I am? Maybe I’m stable and wonderful - the queen of her bipolar domain. #BipolarObsessiveness #Stigma #Bipolar #Bipolar2Disorder


Finally #BipolarStigma

I was diagnosed bipolar in 2001 and have never written that sentence before. The stigma of being bipolar has always been a huge wall in front of me. Recently I told my managers and one co-worker that I was bipolar. I missed a week of work because of a depressive episode and my psychiatrist gave me a doctors note. The note had his letterhead so they knew I had some kind of mental health issue. I told them I was bipolar and now I am obsessing over thoughts like: “what if they are judging me?” And “what if I don’t get the promotion because they know I am bipolar?” These thoughts are immersive and even seep into my dreams - making me feel unworthy. Not Mighty. One moment I feel free because I told them, the next my paranoia takes over and I think they are all plotting behind my back. I am stable, medicated, a “good girl who takes her meds” according to my psychiatrist but I feel inferior because they know. I am crazy. I am not getting that promotion. I shouldn’t have told them. But wait, maybe they are woke? Maybe they see me for who I am? Maybe I’m stable and wonderful - the queen of her bipolar domain. #BipolarObsessiveness #Stigma #Bipolar #Bipolar2Disorder

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Quiet Evening

I’m trying to remind myself that time alone is productive time. But I struggle in my downtime. I always have done - I love my life but I long for excitement and get antsy when I’m alone. This too shall pass. #BipolarObsessiveness #BPD #Loneliness

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Coping mechanisms for the bipolar afflicted #BipolarDepression #onalityDisorder #ptsd #Bipola #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarObsessiveness

So.......I’m really quite new on here. And I have to say, so far, the journey has been informative. Of course there are new people here every day.

I am hoping that some of you might write down coping strategies that you employ, in certain situations. Of course I am personally interested to see if there is anything I can learn, but if newbies come across this post, what would you want to impart to them........



Up all night again contemplating my bipolar disorder

I’ve been watching myself this last week. It is as if I’m outside of my own body. My mind seems to be slipping into a depressed state. Yet I’m showing signs of mania at the same time ( hence the little need for sleep). I know a roller coaster ride is on the way but I cannot worry my family. They think I’ve been getting better since my last break down. #BipolarObsessiveness