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BPD Positives

Contrary to popular (and mostly wrong) belief, there are positive attributes to having BPD. Of course it doesn't negate how miserable and destructive this disorder is to our everyday life, but it does shine what little light there is on our personalities 🥴 If you couldn't tell, I have a grim outlook on everything, but I'm at least trying!⁠

For one, people with BPD tend to be very creative and expressive through art. I'm not sure what exactly the correlation is, but we do tend to have a community of artists amongst our crowd!⁠

Which then is really no surprise with how insightful we are, having resume-quality experience with emotional turmoil, manic euphoria, and overwhelming numbness. And because we endure this emotional rollercoaster 24/7, we understand some of the deepest and most painful situations and emotions. ⁠

We have our lows, and then we have our lowest lows. But continuing with the black-and-white trend of our disorder, that also means we have our highs and highest highs! We love unconditionally, with the purest love that could almost out-beat a mother's. Almost.⁠

And it all goes to say, with the daily shitstorm we fight off every minute, from the criticisms, biases, perfect imperfections, and the fact that our own brains are literally try to kill us, we are probably one of the strongest group of people in the world. I said what I said ❤️⁠

#bpdpositives #bpdawareness #Borderline #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorderawareness #borderlinepersonality #borderlinerecovery #Bpdfeels #bpdlife #Bpdstruggles #Bpdrecovery #bpdthings #bpdwarrior #Bpdsupport #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #thebpdproject #thebpdp

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BPD Criteria

It's my favorite time of my life - mental breakdown, BPD overload! 🙃 As if losing one's job, learning that the love of your life has been cheating on you, and mourning your mom's death as if it was yesterday is a lot already, let's just add a BPD relapse into the mix!⁠

And since I'm going through a lot of rapid emotions, the usual BPD criteria, and waiting for my insurance to be approved to start @talkspace again (just wait for the post I have planned for that!) I figured I would do a re-post (more fitting to the brand now!) of the 9 criteria of BPD!⁠

Designated by the DSM-5, at least five or more of these traits must be met in order to be diagnosed with BPD, and even then most therapists or psychiatrists will take a deeper dive into each to really solidify the diagnosis - it took me a year to finally convince my therapist that I had this disorder. Then it took another 3 years to be diagnosed with Bipolar alongside it, but that's a story for another post! 😅⁠

I plan on doing a deep dive of each criteria, both the clinical and personal definitions of each, so make sure to follow and sign up for my newsletter for when this hits! By the way, I'm really really bad at sending emails - work in progress!

#bpdawareness #Borderline #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorderawareness #borderlinepersonality #borderlinerecovery #Bpdfeels #bpdlife #Bpdstruggles #Bpdrecovery #bpdthings #bpdwarrior #Bpdsupport #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #thebpdproject #thebpdp



Why are people so ashamed of saying they have bpd? Is it because how they will be treated by others? Or the way you will treat yourself differently knowing you don't have to hide who you are. Accept your life the way it is and learn different ways to cope with your inabilities. Say I have Bpd and this is my life!

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Finally got my diagnosis!!!

Hi, my name is Ashley, and I have suspected that I have BPD for the last 10 years. I would read and read about BPD and felt it was describing everything I feel daily. After 3 years of psychiatry and 5 months of therapy, with misdiagnosed depression and anxiety, I finally got my official BPD diagnosis! With a few others... so here goes:

Social Anxiety

For some reason I just feel so relieved to have gotten my diagnosis. Its like all these years I had no idea how to help myself because I couldn't explain why I felt the way I did, or what I was doing wrong. Now that I know I suffer with BPD it gives me so much hope that I can get better! Its also great for meeting others who can relate and be part of a little community that helps one another. I start DBT next week (we were working on combating the PTSD at first, but based on my emotional distress in our session yesterday, my therapist outlined my diagnoses clearly for me. It was shocking but also not shocking. Just such a relief!!

#BPD #bpdlife #OCD #PTSD #SocialAnxiety #BorderlineStigma #BPDDiagnosis



𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡

I wish I didn’t feel like I’m a burden to you.
I wish I didn’t have trouble believing you when you say that you care about me, because I perceive some of your actions otherwise.
I wish I didn’t lay on the floor crying and screaming at the top of my lungs so that my neighbors would ask me if I’m okay when they saw me.
I wish I didn’t drive around town on a regular basis with hot tears rolling down my cheeks.
I wish I didn’t have bruises on my arms from inflicting physical pain as a way of decreasing my emotional pain.
I wish I didn’t need constant reassurance that you’re not mad at me.
I wish I didn’t remember almost every bad thing you’ve done or said to me.
I wish I didn’t feel emotions so freaking intensely.
I wish I didn’t think of suicide so many times a day.
I wish I didn’t feel the need to turn to strong drugs as a way of drowning out my deep emotional anguish.
I wish I didn’t cry myself to sleep on most nights.
I wish I didn’t fall asleep in the embrace of my own hug – as a way to provide some comfort to myself.
I wish I didn’t fantasize about not waking up the next morning.
I wish I didn’t wake up in the morning thinking “why am I still alive”.
I wish you’d accept my compliments because I always mean it.
I wish my life didn’t feel so painfully unbearable.

I wish you didn’t have to feel like you’re walking on eggshells every time you speak to me.
I wish your comments wouldn’t trigger such intense emotional responses.
I wish you’d understand that I don’t trust easily, so when I say I trust you – I mean it.
I wish you’d accept my compliments because they're always genuine.
I wish you’d reach out to me more frequently.
I wish you’d check up on me from time to time.
I wish you’d care about me half as much as I care about you.

And above all,

What I truly wish for ……is not to suffer from BPD

by: BPDBravery Borderline Personality Disorder #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #EUPD #bpdwarrior #bpdlife #Bpdstruggles #bpdsurvivor

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hi, I'm B. new to The Mighty I'm a 38 year old single mum of 2 amazing kids that give me the strength to wake up in the mornings. I've found myself feeling more lost, alone, scared and weak than I have ever felt before. I want to get my shit back to some form of together, I want to get out of this black hole, I want to get a job or finish studies or even follow through with publishing the books I've created and achieve something I can give my kids to be proud of me for.....but the fear of failing of the unknown have me curled up in bed all day alone wishing I wasn't. #BPDwithKids #bpdlife


Repaired Friendship #BPD #Anxiety #Depression #anger #PTSD

I’ve been going through an up and down battle I’ve been diagnosed with BPD at first I was ok with it I didn’t think anything of it until one day last month I had a very bad out anger moment towards my fiancé because of this we are on a separation even harder to go through on top of ruining a friendship all because my friend has BPD and was trying to help I got very angry and was very mean towards her and pushed her away, we have since repaired our friendship and are stronger then we were before I really don’t know where I’d be without her especially through a brake down a break up and starting a new medication I have had a lot of really downs and really highs I’m all new to this and sometimes it scary when you feel like your in the battle alone and always have the fear of abandonment #bpdlife #Reachoutforsupport #Alwaysabattle


Agape #Bpdrelationships

I call him Agape which means love in Greek. While I was explaining my therapist why I like him in all the words which I couldn’t stop coming out of my mouth (vague and going in different directions), my therapist said “he feels like home”. Yes he does!! He makes my mind less cloudy. He helps me learn about me more. Today he knew when I was getting triggered before I even knew it myself. I am not even sure if this is real. Can this really be happening? I have had such bad taste in men. How did I pick this guy? Is he real for sure? But I am hurting him...with my bpd issues. I am sharing too much and I don’t know how to stop. He’s already hurting from his old relationships, I am pretty sure I will make it worse. I am all the time triggered by everything around me...how the hell am I going to get normal. After finding him, I so wish to be normal. Can’t I just be normal for him?. #bpdlife #Borderlinerelationships


Well I took the time to study for my math test today. I am dying my hair! As a excuse to force myself to have to take a shower! #bpdlife #babysteps

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