Working when heads is a mess.
How do people cope with working when your head is so loud.
I feel so trapped in my head but also the building. Feel like the walls are caving in and everyone and everything around me is a blur.
My body is walking around whilst my mind is somewhere else.
I'm so disorientated. My normal routine has turn in to a why am I in this room. What am I doing here. What was I meant to be doing. Please don't talk to me. When they do it's just noise. Nothing Is going in so I try and hide. Hide away but when working you can't do that. You've got to face everything.
Same time without work I'm even more than the nothing I feel I already am.
#BPD #Depression #Emotionalunstablepersonalitydisorder #EUPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #Work #lost #Cantcope