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Every Despondent Day

Today is one of those days. You know the kind. The kind where no matter what people say, look, do cheering up is just not happening. Short of someone telling me, I won the lottery. My total take home amount after taxes is 1 billion dollars, yeah, cheering up is not in the cards. I am not sure how many others are out there who have these days. These days you feel trapped. Since my divorce, I have no car, and no official income. I live with my retired parents and unemployed brother.(I am not sure why he doesn't even try to get a job but I am sure something is wrong with his spirit. He has mental issues of his own too. So, I try to cut him some slack.) I've been applying for menial jobs just to have some stream of income, with absolutely no success. Sure, I am halfway through a data analytics course. I have been working on this for 3 months. However, that brings in no income. On days like this I feel like I have climbed halfway up the depression hole, only to discover I am still at the bottom. All of the climbing you did yesterday was around the hole, not upwards. Also, by the way, the hole gets deeper every day. On days like this, my 100 square foot room feels like a glorified prison. I know I need to cry. I know I feel like this because I am exhausted and weary of the daily wear and tear life puts on us but there is no way to activate the catharsis because I officially have no one who "gets it". I have no one who gets me. I just want someone to give me a call, tell me, "Let's go have some fun. Don't worry I will pay." I want to get you out of the house. I want to get you away from the oppressive life you live with older Christian puritanical judgmental parents and family on watch, an annoying brother who will not get off the couch and bleeding clipped wings that long to escape this mind and body. Yeah, it's one of those days you have to wait it out.

#Depression #depressed #lonely #hopeless #MentalHealth #exhausted #weary #stuck #prison #catharsis #Isolation #Judgement #Escape #Needabreak #Fun #betterdays #Divorced #single #unemployed #noincome #livingwithparents #careerchange #financialstress#waitingforbetterdays

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WandaVision - collective grief and emerging stronger

Like many people, I really enjoyed WandaVision — its exploration of how grief and trauma get processed and how that's different for every person.

A recent article (from The Mary Sue) brought up the show as a metaphor for the collective grief we all feel for pre-pandemic life, and the ways that we make our own bubble-worlds. It's coping but also denying the catharsis in some ways, so a mixed bag.

It's been so easy to fantasize about getting "back to normal" soon, but now I'm thinking about ways to emerge (like Wanda) better and more powerful than before! #Grief #Magic #catharsis #Metamorphisis

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A Rambling catharsis

I'm tired.

I'm tired of being in pain. Its gotten to a point now where I don't remember what it was like before the accident. I don't remember what it was like to be able to walk unaided. I don't remember what it was like to be comfortable.

I feel on the verge of tears almost constantly. Not just because it hurts, but because I can see that my being in pain hurts those around me. I see it on their faces. They remember the me that was always the first one to offer to help move, or do the thing that needed doing.

I don't even recognise myself any more. #Depression #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #catharsis


How does music affect you? What songs help you?

I believe music is one of the greatest forms of therapy #Music #catharsis #Songs