I'm desperately looking for an alternative to surgery. It's dangerous, My physical appearance will be altered, The doctor said There's a possibility I could eat out of a tube for a few months, and I won'won't that much less pain anyway. He told to me to really take my time thinking about this and explore all other options. I know about massage and acupuncture. If my Insurance would only authorize them, I could afford them. Right now, no. Has anyone ever heard of the Y strap? It looks really dangerous, but if you get a good doctor It can help a lot of cervical and spine issues from what I hear.
You lay down on a table, The doctor puts a black strap around your chin and neck, then pulls hard and fast. They massage with a special mach, and does a few other straightening adjustment. It sounds scary and looks scary. That's why I'm asking. Than you!
#cervical Kyphosis #cervical #neck #CervicalSpondylosis #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Chiropractor