Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

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My migraine started in my jaw. I've got bad tmj and I've never talked to my doctor about it. I'm gonna send him a message over the portal. I'll see what he says. Do any of you get migraines from tmj problems?

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The hits keep on coming

My bank is taking money out of my account cuz it's below the minimum balance. This morning I had 30 bucks. Then I had my laundry done which costs 25. Somehow now I'm 16 in the hole. I get paid on the 28th, sometimes the 26th. I just gotta hold on.

And I've still got a bad migraine. I took a sumatriptan and a Motrin 800. It didn't help. My ex girlfriend put some CBD cream on my neck but that didn't help either. The pain started in my jaw. I gotta talk to my doctor about my TMJ.

I thought today was Thursday so I got ready for therapy and at 1210 I was like gosh he's late and I looked at the date on my phone and was just like well damn.


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Feeling alone and misunderstood…

Hi, my name is Brandy. I am 38 years old. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 3 years ago. Although in hindsight I’ve been accumulating symptoms since I was 13. In my 20’s I knew my body was trying to tell me something was wrong. By then I was struggling with chronic migraines, anxiety, depression, TMJ, insomnia, losing major amount of weight, IBS, and plenty more were sure to come. I now have a 23, 19, and a 6 year old. All boys. And a 4 month old granddaughter. In the last 2 years I’ve lost myself in this illness. No one understands what I go through on a daily basis. The pain and the extreme fatigue. I hate having to defend myself constantly. Even to my own children. I’ve lost all of my friends. It feels like every month I get worse and worse. I don’t sleep or eat for days at a time. I can’t get out of bed for days and days at a time. Sometimes I don’t even have the energy to take a shower. Much less get up to cook meals for my family. I used to have such OCD and had so much pride in how clean I kept my home. Now I’m lucky if it gets cleaned every 2 weeks. And by clean I mean picking/straitening up. I miss my old life. Desperately. I used to be so full of life and energy. It’s like I know this illness won’t actually KILL me, but it’s slowly killing me. If that makes sense. I stumbled across this platform while scrolling on Pinterest and I’m glad I did. It felt so good to see other people who relate to me and what I’m going through. I’m hoping that joining this platform helps me cope with the life I’m left with.

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Need advice #chronicmigraine

I need advice/experience! My neuro wants to start me on Ajovy to help with migraine, Propanolol hasn’t done the trick the last 7 weeks.
I also have Fibromyagia, TMJ, depression and anxiety.
I hate the thought of an injection, but the migraines are really taking a tole

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Signs My Doctors Missed #EhlersDanlosSyndrome

I won the lottery on genetic diseases, all diagnosed later in life. Sarcoidosis, Raynaud’s Syndrome, Autoimmune Arthritis & now Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

The symptoms of Ehlers Danlos were there from the start. My Drs never added them up and missed these symptoms:
◼️HYPERFLEXIBLE ▪️Bend thumb to wrist
▪️Crisscross fingers
▪️Hyper flex elbows
▪️Jaw pops out of socket opening mouth
▪️Can put my hands flat on the floor bending over
▪️Knee caps dropped often
▪️Was teased because I ran strange
▪️Hips sublex out of alignment easily
▪️Mild scoliosis
▪️Clothing & fabrics irritated my skin
▪️Scars are sensitive to touch
▪️Can’t wear necklaces or heavy clothing on my neck
▪️Sharp bone pain when young
▪️Smooth, soft, stretchy skin
▪️Horizontal scars across the back
▪️Wounds slow to heal

My maternal grandmother, mom, daughter and son all have these same symptoms. I am the only one diagnosed thus far. What used to be a novelty as a child now causes great pain.
#EhlersDanlosSyndrome #IBS #HyperFlexible #TMJ

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Signs My Doctors Missed #EhlersDanlosSyndrome

I won the lottery on genetic diseases, all diagnosed later in life. Sarcoidosis, Raynaud’s Syndrome, Autoimmune Arthritis & now Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

The symptoms of Ehlers Danlos were there from the start. My Drs never added them up and missed these symptoms:
◼️HYPERFLEXIBLE ▪️Bend thumb to wrist
▪️Crisscross fingers
▪️Hyper flex elbows
▪️Jaw pops out of socket opening mouth
▪️Can put my hands flat on the floor bending over
▪️Knee caps dropped often
▪️Was teased because I ran strange
▪️Hips sublex out of alignment easily
▪️Mild scoliosis
▪️Clothing & fabrics irritated my skin
▪️Scars are sensitive to touch
▪️Can’t wear necklaces or heavy clothing on my neck
▪️Sharp bone pain when young
▪️Smooth, soft, stretchy skin
▪️Horizontal scars across the back
▪️Wounds slow to heal

My maternal grandmother, mom, daughter and son all have these same symptoms. I am the only one diagnosed thus far. What used to be a novelty as a child now causes great pain.
#EhlersDanlosSyndrome #IBS #HyperFlexible #TMJ

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