The Loop In My Brain Goes Round & Round, Round & I'm Tired!
I'm trying to relearn to think for myself and unlearn that the only thing that mattered was my mother and if she was talking to me or not. I took care of the three narcissist in my life! So who was going to take care of me? Answer is, Nobody took care of me! And Nobody did an awful job making me feel safe, secure and loved. And years later I'm stuck in a loop that replays what I remember from age 2 ish until my mother disowned me at 34 and my divorce from a narcissistic abusive both physically and mentally, ex were both out of my life! And now I only remember the bad! Almost all of it is coming out, now that I'm in therapy! All day, when my mind is stuck in the loop, I replay every bad thing everyone has done to me! I'm trying to cut the tape!!!!! #conquer the mind #PTSD #CPTSD #MDD #Anxiety