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What's New in Dance

Got to see two of my kids costumes for their dance recital!! With all the health issues and all of the stress sometimes it is just have a moment to have fun!! Can't WAIT for June!!!

#Anxiety #PTSD #Parenting #HeartCondition #mom #Dance

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Point me to the dance floor

Ready for class with the Rollettes, the wheelchair dance company! They appear around the country and offer classes online at

With me is my wife and Mae West, both fabulous. And after this, who knows? America's Got Talent?

#disabilities #Art #Dance #MultipleSclerosis #Wheelchair

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Grief and Gratitude #Grief #Gratitude #Poetry #Dance #Recovery #Nature

As I struggle through life trying to take care of myself in a world that overwhelms me, an open window recently became inspiration to put my life into words.

“Grief and Gratitude”

Grief and gratitude dance disguised
As rhythms of my heart.

Their steps of tangled memories
Making my worn feet falter.

An open window's warm whispering wind,
Woodsmoke on a cold night's air.

Being loved once and then no more,
Yet sunrise still enters my soul.

Grief leads too often
So I reach for gratitude's hand.

Although she, too, has let me fall,
In beautiful, humbled grace.

And I remember you, the time before,
When hope still measured my way.

Before moments became memories
And memories became this dance.

I long for different accompaniment
As grief now scores each song.

But who shall take the final bow
When starlight steals the broken
And breezes bathe my skin?

—M. M. Andre

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Grief and Gratitude #Grief #Gratitude #Poetry #Dance #Recovery

As I’ve struggled for over 30 years to take care of myself in a world that overwhelms me, an open window inspired me to put my life into words.

“Gratitude and Grief”

Grief and gratitude dance disguised
As rhythms of my heart.

Their steps of tangled memories
Making my worn feet falter.

An open window's warm whispering wind,
Woodsmoke on a cold night's air.

Being loved once and then no more,
Yet sunrise still enters my soul.

Grief leads too often
So I reach for gratitude's hand.

Although she, too, has let me fall,
In beautiful, humbled grace.

And I remember you, the time before,
When hope still measured my way.

Before moments became memories
And memories became this dance.

I long for different accompaniment
As grief now scores each song.

But who shall take the final bow
When starlight steals the broken
And breezes bathe my skin?

—M.M. Andre

1 comment
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🕺Silly Topic Of The Day 👯‍👯🏿‍♂️ What do you look like when you dance or describe your favorite dance memory!💃🏽

Well, I have two left feet and no rhythm and I always look like im trying to decide on a dance move but can't think of one.. so I just kinda awkwardly move my limbs 😆

My fave dance memory is definitely my sisters wedding. I was very drunk and just had no care in the world. Me, my sis, her new husband and there friends danced until we were kicked out lol. The song Hey Ya! By outcast came on. I taught everyone the one dance move I know🤣
I also made my late father in law dance with me. He passed a year later I think it was. Even though I nearly had to drag him onto the dance floor, he was smiling and I know we both had fun😊

#Anxiety #Depression #Epilepsy #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MakeMeLaugh #OtherMentalHealth #MentalHealth #Dance