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People with BD are people too

Do you live with Bipolar Disorder and get called manic, get asked if you’ve taken your meds, get asked if your meds are working, etc when you KNOW you’re not experiencing a manic episode, are completely fine and self aware, and are simply experiencing normal human emotions like excitement, frustration, and exhaustion? And then those same people don’t even care or notice when you’re depressed? Tell me your experience! #Bipolar #BipolarDisorder #episode #Mania #Depression

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Can you induce a schizophrenic/psychotic episode through sheer will?

Isn't that what this person on the above video is doing or am I missing something? #Schizophrenia #MentalHealth #Psychosis #episode

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The switch in the matter of minutes.

I was having a great morning. Lost 20 pounds. Fitting into my jeans. Threw some make up on and felt great. I work from home. Started working. Idk what happened but it felt like someone was pouring this deep sadness inside me with a bucket. I tried to stop it from coming but for some reason I couldn’t. I don’t even know why I’m crying. I don’t know why I feel so down and hopeless. Then it turns to thoughts of dying to be put out of this. I wish I knew how to stop these emotions from coming. These emotions just make me not focus on my surroundings. I feel trapped in my mind. #BPD #episode

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Does anyone else have a playlist for when they’re going through some type of episode?
Some of the songs are exactly what I’m feeling, some bring the feelings out more, and some hide them….
From Forest Blakk, to NF. My playlist is incredible.

#Music #episode #Trying #Depression #Anxiety #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Fibromyalgia #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #ChronicFatigue #MightyMusic


Here I go again.

here we go again
another episode.
screaming loudly because rage
look how stupid you look.
Your insane
Your crazy.
Your an idiot.
Stop screaming already.
Everything is your fault because of the way you are.
suddenly self harms.
see don't you feel better
Because you know your a big piece of shit.
Show the world your crazy.
Show the world your no good
Just leave already.
goes numb.
Rage subsides.
Depression and suicidal thoughts begin.
youll never do anything with your life, you know that
Your useless
Your worthless
Your going to end up alone anyways
Everyone will abandon you.
no they won't
oh yes they will.
They can't stand you.
They always talk about you
Nobody truly loves you.
yes they Do.
Tears streaming down.
listen to yourself. You have hope?
Fuck your hope.
I will destroy every ounce of hope you have.
why are you like this.
im your mental illness.
Ill never go away.
I'm here to ruin you.
Ruin your relationships.
Ruin your life
Take your life
i will fight till the end.
To wake up and know I'll be okay everyday.
With or without you.
I have to fight you everyday.
That's okay.
We all struggle with something.
You are not alone.
That horrible voice in your head…
Don't let it win.
You are worth it.
You are priceless
You are not alone.
You get one life,
Live it. Fight for it. Love it.

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MentalHealth #episode #mentalhealthbattle #StayStrong #Love #fight

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I've been feeling so tired these couple of days. I dont have the will to go out, to reply text messages, to talk to people. I'm just feeling tired, i want to keep lie down and sleep. Even to blow dry my hair is too much of work right now. I feel empty
#Depression #episode #tiredness


biplolar episode

its been a month or a little more since ive had a episode. friday the irratibilty of rage was back and i new it was the beginning of having another depression episode. it makes it harder when it out of no where and its been awhile. you get some ease that hey maybe i can do this and be normal and than BAM! just kidding back to being unstable again. ive had my meds adjusted and adjusted each time ive seen my doctor the last few months and still im not completely stable. i feel like no matter what i never will be and its so frusterating #Bipolar2 #BipolarDepression #episode


Episode #Anxiety #episode

I was crying for 3 hours straight for some reason. I dreamt about being cheated and I was devastated in my dream until Woke up crying. Then I couldn’t stop crying. I would like to stop myself from overthinking. And rest my mind for real.