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En mi pais, Mexico, cuando iba creciendo, nunca escuche una palabra bonita para quien soy como persona gay. Escuchaba por aqui y por alla, de manera denigrante: PUTO, MARICA, MARICON, batea con la mano izquierda, le hace agua la canoa, quizas la palabra MARIPOSA, es la unica hermosa palabra, pero creeme, no lo decian de una manera de honrar, sino de insultar. SI, soy una MARIPOSA, que seguira volando, y que es mucho mas fuerte de lo que muchos pensaron y pensaran, como la mariposa MONARCA, que vuela distancias grandisimas para completar su jornada. En este mes de JUNIO, mandandole mucho carino a todas/todes/todos los que estan todavia en un capullo, escondidos por seguridad, y a todas/todes/todos los que vuelan abiertamente con las alas totalmente extendidas, con brillantes colores, como una hermosa mariposa. Soy, GAY, y asi mismo, un sobreviente del VIH/SIDA por 37 anos. GRACIAS A todos/todas/todes por su apoyo siempre, y a los que me han bulleado, ojala que encuentren su paz y su realidad completa sin seguir atacando a otras/es/os. SUSPIRANDO!!! cada vez que mueves tuas alas, creas un arcoiris. #MARIPOSA #Gay #juntes #Together #VIH #hivlongtermsurvivors #supervhivents #sobrevivientes #saludmental


why degendering is not okay nomatter what #lbgtqia #queerandautistic #Pride #Gay #antihomophobic #TW #Identity first #AutismPride

SO i have this teacher who dicided to degender her amasing studend named lili (not real name)lili was also on multipule ocasines deadnamed.

sadly this is not the first time this has happened nore willl it be the last.

I Know of a kid who makes me degender (insert pronoun) becouse of transphobic parents.this kid is a lovly kid but is closeted due to faimly.

more public examples are JKR aka the auther we want to froget

please make a afert not to dengender people.

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Reborn and the afterbirth #happy #alive #lgbtg #Gay #Divorce #authenticlife #Selfacceptance #Selflove

It's been a hot minute since I've been here, much less posted. I went into a very deep depression and my eating disorder was having fun reaking havic. Both of my therapists colluded and said it was either a residential treatment center or a phych ward because I wasn't eating and didn't care about life. So off I went to Miami, leaving my husband, son, and granddaughters behind again. It was in Miami that I finally found myself, buried under the trauma, familial and societal rules, acnd religious indoctrination of my youth. I had a huge crush on a staff member, my first real crush on a woman. It left me confused, excited, and very curious about what it was I was feeling. So with the help of my therapist I dug deep and finally found myself after 34 years of gestation. I was gay, I knew it at 14 and buried it, but now I was no longer willing to stay miserable in a hetero relationship, I wasn't going to rebury myself. I was so excited, still am, about exploring myself. I knew this would also be painful, and it has been in some ways. I am getting divorced after 30 years, my son didn't talk to me for 7 weeks, I had to move in with my parents whom don't accept my sexuality but love me, and my oldest granddaughter (4) had really struggled with the separation. And I'm still happier now than I have ever been in my life. I can now say that I love myself and mean it. I'm taking care of myself in ways that I never have before. Most of my depression and anxiety are just background noise most days. I've found healing that has evaded me for 44 years and forgiveness for carrying shame that wasn't mine to carry. I can now proudly stand up and say that I'm Paula, I love myself, I'm proud of who I am, and I am a lesbian. Life is good.


continuation continuation... (per last posts)

I take back my previous post when I said I wasn’t gay. I’m starting to believe that the abuse started because of my prejudice family. I’ve always been attracted to women and called myself bisexual, but lately I just haven’t been into labels. I would say that i’m leaning more toward women these days and maybe that’s why the abuse is just multiplying. My grandparents who raised me were heavy in the church and my mom literally threw the bible at me when she found out i had a fling with a girl in high school (though she only goes to church on holidays). Im stressed and running on 3 hours of sleep; I didn’t sleep last night until 6 am and have been having my sleep interrupted on purpose so forgive me pls ❤️ #Gay


Are there any gay men on here? Maybe people who are older with a little more experience? It would be nice to get advice from people who get it



Is #pegging normal for #straightmen #Marriage #Gay

I am not trying to offend anyone with this post, but please bare with me.
So I discovered that my husband has more dildos, big ones, small ones, anal plugs, penis pump, etc, more than I ever imagined.
I knew he liked anal penetration, however I didn't know how serious this was until last night. Really, the sign was there when he asked me to put a strap on on in the beginning of the year.
Anyway, for the longest he's said he was straight. I'm sorry, but I do not believe him. I tried to be opened about this, and understanding but there is no way that is normal for a straight married man. I'm sorry to offend anyone...
Sex between us has died down and for the longest I thought it was me and my antidepressants, but really, I'm turned off by my husband, especially whenever he keeps making anal references and such. He also can't keep his penis hard with sex, which makes me feel defected...
Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone else has gone through this or could give me some insight.
I would love to read what you post, it might make me feel better because right now I am tired, and at crossroads with everything.


Spirit are you there?

For a long time i have neglected a part of who i am. That is my spirituality. I grew up Roman Catholic in a family of descendents of Irish and English heritage. Religion was VERY important in my family. I was Baptised, went to CCD, got confirmed, was an alter boy, was looking at joining the priesthood, and then my mother was died. At the same time i had just come out as gay to myself and my friends. Once she died, i moved to another state with my family and my spiritual life started slipping. I blamed God for everything that was happening. I graduated high school, started college, became severely depressed, had to move back home. Since that moment of coming back home, walking in the door, and crying in a ball, i wrote off all spirituality. The light had gone out completely. Thank you depression.
I was 18, now i am 30. For the past 12 years, i struggled and fought with life and the spiritual world. I was always drawn back to something with spirituality. Whether it was bringing my grandfather to church for holidays, or reading a book with the ideas of angels and demons. I dabbled in meditation. I visited a spiritual shop and bought crystals and a book on chakras. I have always been drawn to nature. I believe that Avatar the last air bender is an amazing show because of its basis in spirituality.
Just NOW, after all that have i planted my self back into the spiritual world and damn does it feel great to feel whole again. To accept that i am a spiritual person and to allow myself the freedom to be that person is amazing. It is freeing. It is a renewal of energy and life inside. To answer the call of who you are is beyond words. I hope that this continues to bring me peace and then i can share that with the world. #Depression #LGBT #Spirituality #spiritualhealth #PTSD #Gay #Christianity #Lifestyle

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