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I’m new in this group and wanted to introduce myself to others. I was diagnosed when I was 23 and today at 58 I keep fighting because I don’t like the other choice.

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Pushing myself

I live with chronic pain, and other chronic illnesses, including anxiety and PTSD. Many days, I can do one thing per day, and I feel thankful. I am a hero who many times is unable to move much, but my superpowers are full of love and kindness. #Survivors #advocates #hivlongtermsurvivors #wekeepgoing

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Memories? or NIGHTMARES?

I do believe very deeply in my heart that I was abused when I was a baby/kid, but how can I be sure of it? My traumas as an adult, my relationships with men, my I AM A GOOD BOY, my so many reactions in/to live. Therapy? yes, I have done it, and I keep exploring my journey. But I keep asking myself, am I making this up? I remember very vividly this person in my life, abusing me physically and mentally, and somehow I know I was just part of his own journey of mental health problems. But, did it happen? It can be very easy to say, forget about it, and live life by the moment that exists, but is not that easy. Part of me wants to find the answer, but then what? I am thankful for who I am, my amazing life, my I'm still here after 37 years with HIV, cancer survivor of 12 years, and living with chronic pain. I am single, and still looking for that partner in my life, I think I'm incredibly strong, powerful, special, smart, and simply open to getting to know someone. I remind myself each day to repeat BE HUMBLE, but also PROUD of who and what I am. #Survivors #HIV #hivlongtermsurvivors #MentalHealth #Hope #Sleep #dreams #PTSD

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En mi pais, Mexico, cuando iba creciendo, nunca escuche una palabra bonita para quien soy como persona gay. Escuchaba por aqui y por alla, de manera denigrante: PUTO, MARICA, MARICON, batea con la mano izquierda, le hace agua la canoa, quizas la palabra MARIPOSA, es la unica hermosa palabra, pero creeme, no lo decian de una manera de honrar, sino de insultar. SI, soy una MARIPOSA, que seguira volando, y que es mucho mas fuerte de lo que muchos pensaron y pensaran, como la mariposa MONARCA, que vuela distancias grandisimas para completar su jornada. En este mes de JUNIO, mandandole mucho carino a todas/todes/todos los que estan todavia en un capullo, escondidos por seguridad, y a todas/todes/todos los que vuelan abiertamente con las alas totalmente extendidas, con brillantes colores, como una hermosa mariposa. Soy, GAY, y asi mismo, un sobreviente del VIH/SIDA por 37 anos. GRACIAS A todos/todas/todes por su apoyo siempre, y a los que me han bulleado, ojala que encuentren su paz y su realidad completa sin seguir atacando a otras/es/os. SUSPIRANDO!!! cada vez que mueves tuas alas, creas un arcoiris. #MARIPOSA #Gay #juntes #Together #VIH #hivlongtermsurvivors #supervhivents #sobrevivientes #saludmental

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Transformation requires deep, intentional, sometimes ugly times of taking action but the results are worth it!

This was hard to read the first time...hard to digest...hard to own...but dead on accurate! Untruths you've carried in your body...had to think about that. Own created demons...that rang true right away! I like the basic blurred font, it tells the story itself in a way #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar1Disorder #Disability #MentalHealth #PTSD #HIVAIDS #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #SOBERLIFE #SurvivorsGuilt #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #PeripheralNeuropathy #hivlongtermsurvivors #Migraine #Grief #Selflove

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I’m profoundly proud of my wounds, because they stand for everything I’ve been through and survived! I’m always trying to not allow past pain and suffering dictate current well being. I choose to honor myself for the fact that I’ve been through so much and I’m still alive and kicking!!! I have survived a life being Bipolar...with manic episodes and suicidal thoughts.Thankfully those are behind me becausemy meds have been relatively balanced for over a decade; I have survived being HIV+ and Living w/AIDS for 35 years...and all of the Emotional challenges it presented : Fear, Worry, Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Survivor’s Guilt and PTSD; I have survived the Physical health challenges it’s brought into my life: cDefifile (8x) often a week in the hospital, Shingles (2x) once a month in the hospital, Bronchitis (12+x), Pneumonia (3x), Neuropathy that had me bedridden for 9 months and told I may never walk again and still plagues me today; and I have survived the struggle with Addiction throughout my life (9.5 years sober); plus I’m a Covid survivor struggling with regular intense migraines currently. Having a positive outlook and keeping things in perspective offers me hope and encouragement to keep moving on, one day at a time...I still can struggle with depression, but in the big picture: I’m still here and a proud survivor and that is truly a blessing!

#BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #Depression #Anxiety #Survivor #HIVAIDS #hivlongtermsurvivors #SurvivorsGuilt #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #SOBER #attitude #proud #MentalHealthHero #MentalHealth #Positivity #happy #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MentalIllnessStigma



Hello family and friends,
today, October 10th is


I Have mental health issues as many of us do and I'm open about it.
We need to be able to talk about mental health and drug use/abuse, or otherwise, we'll never be able to find better answers.

Like many on my HIV LONG TERM SURVIVORS community, I suffer from PTSD and anxiety, and in my personal case depression is not my principal problem, but I know it is in many others.

For many of the people who I know through my advocacy and activism, a night of good night sleep is also almost a memory.

I miss so much those days when I used to wake up smiling, stretching my arms and feeling rested and relax.

Living with chronic pain is a constant struggle, but somehow, I smile, and I keep enjoying many wonderful things as many of us do.

I want to take a moment to honor all the advocates, activists, and social media leaders who through their own constant health battles, keep helping others.
It is an honor, for real, to be able to know so many wonderful souls.
Thanks for all your love and support, and let's keep helping each other.

#healthevoices #healthevoicestribe #latinotuvales #youmatter #hivlongtermsurvivors #Vote #vota #ChronicPain #againstageism


Survivor's Christmas

Hello family!!!

In my simple complicate life, I had a great time yesterday night. I laughed a lot.

Right now, it is a foggy San Francisco, and my pain is always there, just never goes away. Crying for an instant.

DAYDREAMS, DAY NIGHTMARES, I'm walking in the middle of the street, and I see many bodies falling down, and I'M STILL HERE;

I'm walking in the middle of the street, and I see myself falling down, but, I'M STILL HERE.

I needed to say something.....maybe my PTSD talking, all your ghosts around us, to all our brothers and sisters gone, to all the lovers, friends and family who left us....


HAPPY HOLIDAYS to each of them, Happy Holidays to each of you.

#hivlongtermsurvivors #Survivor #SurvivorsGuilt

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I am lucky to be empathic

For good or for bad my pain is a gathering of what I sense but it is difficult I breathe and I connect but....i keep smiling even if there is a cloud always in front of me. When tears and laughter crossroads get frozen for a moment it is simply LIFE. #hivlongtermsurvivors #healthevoices #mytribe