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Perfect. Today marks 6 months since my friend died of suicide and i got my shift covered. Having a rough day. #SuicideLoss
#Grief #Suicide #IMissYou

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I’m Back! #Depression #ADHD #Relationships

Hey y’all, what a last few months it’s been whew…. Glad it’s over! Working so much over the last few months, crazy ex, so much drama ugh… but I’m finally able to be back here. I really enjoy this app and hope no one thought I left for good. I was enjoying my poem like posts and weekly recipes and other things.

Life catches up to you I guess. I am missing someone extremely special right now, and just wish she’d reach back out to me. Feel like I lost someone that I’ll never hear from again in my life, and we just met some months ago. But wishing she’d hear me out and give me another chance. It was long distance, but we were really close. She was in the next state above me, and I’m just really missing her right now.

I know this isn’t a usual post of mine, but more so getting some things off my chest and put into my Mighty notes here. Anyways, I hope all has been good here! I’ve noticed some changes and love the voting system thing now, great addition to this app! I’ll be posting here again and not ghosting the app again lol, sorry y’all. Quote below!

“But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.”
-Calla Quinn


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I wish you never met me

A poem I wrote a while ago with a photo I took that day. I met a girl in USA and was an awful person to her and now I regret everything and upset we never talk but did so much damage to her. How many have felt like this? #Poem #IMissYou #longdistance #Love #regret #Depression #BPD #MensHealth #MensMentalHealth


my grandma passed away #Death #IMissYou #Deafness #COVID19

Two days ago I got a phone call that changed my life forever, my grandma passed away...
when I let it sit in for 5-1 hr I honestly kept saying no, this is not happening.

I wasn’t able to grasp the fact my grandma was gone.. she meant the world to everyone and what was the worst was knowing she was in the hospital and nobod could actually visit her. She didn’t have covid but she did have ammonia with other complications she has had for decades, liver failure and well the usual uti infections she would get but, she would come out of it and be ok..

im sorry but, normally I’m good at explaining my emotions but lately I have been lacking that ..
I just wanted to get support I guess. I feel very depressed of my grandmothers passing and I don’t know how to cope with it. I suppose my children and coping ok with it, still sad but I consult them and they are ok..

when night time comes I get very sad and I feel like my grandma is actually still here on earth. I’m in denial maybe of her dying I would say. I don’t understand really, I do but I can’t grasp she isn’t alive..

another think I wanted to say and I’m not trying to be shallow or throw my anger out at anyone but, my mother and brother always considered my grandma as a burden and now they are being mean to me and my mother basically said my grieving isn’t the same as her because she was my grandmas daughter of 56 yrs.. I feel like tho not only she is effected but everyone that loved my grandma and who my grandma loved.. anyways yea

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Moving on and saying goodbye :(

I have to say goodbye to my therapist that I formed a special bond with. I hate goodbyes. I have only known her a few months. But, the pain of losing her is very real. I don't really have a lot of emotional support at home and every time I talked to my therapist it always felt like a warm hug. Maybe I'm over exaggerating or maybe I shouldn't feel this way. But, I'm going to miss her terribly. Have any of y'all experienced this? If so, what did you do to cope? Thanks. #IMissYou #SayingGoodbye #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth #startingover


It's Coming: Letter to The One Who Left #AnniversaryReaction

It's coming... the two year anniversary. Two years ago you decided you didn't want to live anymore... My son asked where you were after he saw a picture of the two of you together... You loved him so much... and it breaks my heart that you don't get to know him now. He's four now, and he's so smart. He knows that asking about you makes me sad... He also knows who you are. I will never let him forget you... I don't want anyone to ever forget you.
We never got as close as I thought we'd become... as my best friends little sister, you were someone who was always there. Starting drama at every turn, and always the light in the room. You made mistakes... but none of those matter... Everyone makes mistakes... I just wish you wouldn't have let those mistakes decide your fate... You are so loved... Loved more than you ever knew... I just hope your happy now... I hope your family heals and loves... I hope your little brother never forgets his sister... I hope one year, this day will go by and it won't feel like a brick in my stomach... and at the same time... I don't... Because I know... I know my heart, and the hearts of everyone who loved you, who loves you, will forever be scarred.
#thoughtprocess #SuicideLoss #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness #IMissYou #AnniversaryEffect #AnniversaryReaction


I Miss You So...

It hurts so bad and I just don't know what to do. You were all that I had and I can't seem to stop missing you.  You live in my mind. You are my prayers. Just show me a sign so I know someone cares.
-Amanda Rose
#mygrief #IMissYou


i miss u

so my friend died about 4 months ago.... he was hit by a car ....we were close and i lost him we were texting when he died he was walking on the side walk and all of a sudden a car hit him he didn't see the car because he was texting with me so i guess you can say that i'm the reason he died. he died on the 28th and when ever i see the number 28 i break down in tears I wasn't even there when it was his first birthday on heaven I'm hurting a lot right now i just want it to end. I #comeback #hurt

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Tomorrow marks 3 months #3 /23/19 #Grief #IMissYou

I’ve noticed since you’ve been gone, I get a slight panic when we enter the 20’s on the calendar. It’s gets harder to breathe. It’s just a reminder that another month has gone by and you’re not here. How can life just go on? It just has to I guess. I know you’re in peace. I wish I was. I miss you...



My mom is not with us anymore, and she passed away when I was 13. I’m 18 now and it’s been the toughest year . Not having my mom here is hard. She was the only person who cared for me. Who loved me like no other.

I don’t have that anymore.

I just need my mom. #mom #IMissYou