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How has your sleep been? 💤

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks has been adjusting her sleep schedule after Daylight Saving Time kicked in this past weekend where she lives. She's feeling exhausted trying to catch up—losing an hour has felt like losing an entire night! 😩🛌

How has everyone else been sleeping lately?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #Insomnia #RareDisease #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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Hey guys, I’m new here!^^

the reason is I have too much mental and physical health problems like anxiety, BDD, insomnia, trust issues, selfharm and self hate. And I just don’t want to live this way anymore, so I’m looking for some help so I can cope though my hard times …

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I NEED A freaking break!

My mind, my body and my soul is freaking tired. I was praying for a better year. I just turned 35 on February 28th and of course I barely look like I’m still in my early 20’s.

Again, I’m questioning my purpose. It’s like I did something wrong within the universe to feel like I’m struggling by myself while people watch.

I didn’t loose everything single thing completely since being wrongfully terminated by my last job in December 2023, however, all the things I was able to pay for including most utilities were cancelled due to non payment, exhausted the $300 I had in my IRA, the state only give me $292 in food stamps, I still can’t make income, can’t find work, and just nothing is working.

My #Insomnia with my #Depression just gets worse, my motivation is completely shot and everyday I just don’t even feel like getting up anymore. I even have a degree in design and visual art and apply everywhere under the sun and I just feel like an absolute failure.

I just go through the motions at this point because I know I still have to work out to keep my #Fibromyalgia symptoms down.

I don’t know what to do anymore and I feel like I can’t do anything right.

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I'm so exhausted

I think I might have gotten 3 hours of sleep last night while sitting on the couch. When I wake up at 5am I take my night meds and waddle back to my bed but I'll be damned if I can sleep at all. And it's especially bad on days when I have doctor appointments. I decide well fuck it, I'll just make coffee earlier than normal. I sit next to pauley all night but we don't really interact much. *Shrug*

#Relationships #Insomnia

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Just Need A Glimmer of Hope #Insomnia #Depression

Hi, I hope you’re doing well! I have been hiding it for a while and pretending everything is okay but if you’re able to send a little extra support ($$) my way, I’d truly appreciate it. I was wrongfully terminated back in December 2023 and have been grinding to try make extra income but it’s not working and really lost the majority of it. I’ve tried everything, everything is exhausted and I have no support to even ask + the stress is really getting to me to where my insomnia is so much worse. Every bit helps, and it means so much right now.

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What helps you get through the day when depression leaves you feeling exhausted?

One thing I know for sure is that depression can be incredibly draining. From overthinking and ruminating thoughts to insomnia—and the isolating cycles I often find myself in—it can feel never-ending. What helps me the most is sticking to a schedule and giving myself permission to move slowly throughout the day. I make it a point to be kind to myself and manage my expectations.

What helps you get through your day?

📚 If you need some tips from our story of the week, check out this Mighty story here:
10 Tips for Getting Through the Day When Depression Makes Yo...

#BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #PTSD #Schizophrenia #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Depression #MentalHealth

10 Tips for Getting Through the Day When Depression Makes You Exhausted

Have you tried anything on this list?
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I'm so exhausted, but I can't sleep once again. It's 3 in the morning, I've got to 'wake up' at 6. Today will be hard, hopefully won't fall asleep on my desk. I'm so done with those insomnia

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A little update with BIG developments…

I have made several posts about the situation with my son so I won’t explain that again. On February 25th we go to court to remove him as my guardian. I have petitioned the court to let me be my own guardian again. Even with the complications from my current struggles with insomnia, I am capable of making sound decisions for myself. My morals and values are intact. I am very anxious to get this over with.

Speaking of the insomnia - I sleep less than 3 hours per 24. At least 2-3 nights a week I don’t even get into bed. I am following a healthy sleep guide that says bed only when sleepy. I started having bizarre episodes where my whole body jumps as if I was startled awake - but I was not sleeping in the first place. When I ran it by my PCP and now also my Psychiatrist, they both mentioned researching microsleeps. According to my research, they start when you are so sleep deprived that your organs are in danger of damage and/or failure. The human body needs to go into regular sleep cycles to rejuvenate all of the body systems regularly. I am going to be started on a new sleeping med called Belsomra when the prior authorization goes through.

I have also started to take some food extracts to assist meds I am already taking. Replace deficiencies revealed in blood work. And hopefully replace some prescription meds. I take 127 prescribed pills every day! The only thing both doctors asked is that #1 I only start 1 new extract a week. And #2 I notify each of them when I start something new so they can help track any side effects and/or benefits.

I have so many physical and mental health based dxs that I need to address. Doing it one at a time with single ingredient extracts when possible. With my autoimmune disorders, it can cause a different reaction or need a higher dose to accomplish anything. I am being careful and checking with my care team before I even purchase any extracts. The way I am doing this is very expensive. But how can I put a limit on my health and even my existence. I need to find some sort of quality of life- something I don’t think I have ever had. Anyway, this is the direction I have chosen at this time. I hope and pray for positive effects.

Those are the major updates I have to offer at this point in time… #Insomnia #MajorDepression #foodextracts #Court #microsleeps #Sleepmed #Guardianship #autoimmunedisorders #sounddecisions #organrisk #consultdoctor #Update #numerousdiagnoses #physicalhealth #MentalHealth #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #healthysleephygiene

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This is simply bizarre!

I have been having the worst streak of Insomnia of my life long struggle with it. I end up not even going to bed at least three times a week (following their healthy sleep habits that are touted everywhere that the bed is only for when you are sleepy). I am so sleep deprived that it has also become a physical issue while I am trying to navigate life during my waking activities. I started to all of a sudden kind of jump and feel like I just woke up - yet I knew I wasn’t sleeping. I decided to mention it to my PCP at my scheduled check up. She told me to look into something called “Microsleeps”. It sure does seem like that is my situation. It scares me that I am so deeply negatively affected by lack of sleep. I did find a new food extract called Tart Cherry that my PCP said would be fine to try. It does help me relax a little without feeling drugged. It helps relax my muscles…but I still don’t sleep much. My Psychiatrist has suggested a trial of Belsomra. Has anyone had experience with this? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I am already on so many meds that I hesitate to add any more. Then again I need to sleep before it kills me.

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