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Finally learning to accept .. #Depression #MentalHealth #ItsOK #Anxiety

I am finally beginning to accept that I just can't control certain things that are happening in my life and for the first time I am beginning to learn its OK, and learning to look at it in different ways.

I won't always have good days and that's OK atleast it's another day .

I don't understand all the things I struggle with now, I am trying to learn and take a day at a time.

Instead of constantly putting myself down for not being able to do the things I used to and realising how much its effected me , I realise how strong I am for surviving it all and that I am still trying that's what matters.

I try not to compare myself to the old me (that's long gone) or to anyone else for that matter .I am ME and I am trying to learn to accept that .

Instead of being frustrated at the things I struggle with and not being able to do all the things in one day that I used to be able to , I give myself fewer things each day to try and do.I am learning to be happy with whatever I get done that day even if it's only one thing I managed and I know I tried and I can try again tomorrow.

I am learning to be kind to myself & thankful for the things and the people and things in my life I do have ♥️

I no longer accept company or situations which previously were negative, or made me feel any less than I deserve. I removed myself from anything or anyone that doesn't make me feel comfortable or allow me to be myself (whichever way I may feel that day or whatever ri may be going through).

I am learning to be happy when I am ALONE and understanding its not LONELY.

I know I have survived even just this last year alone which has definitely been the most challenging and difficult and although it's changed myself ,my lifestyle, my abilities and my mental health I am trying to accept the changes instead of tearing myself apart.

#Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #longcovid #endometriosis #skincancer #loveyourself #bekind #checkinwithme #youmatter ♥️

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A day at a time ..... #Depression #Selfcare #SkinCancer #MentalHealth #youmatter #loveyourself #COVID19 #longcovid #Anxiety

After this past year those is something I am trying to be more aware of.

Just taking each day as it comes, being thankful for another day especially on my more difficult days.Reminding myself not to put too much pressure on myself for the things I can no longer do and the daily things I struggling now. Instead just realising how strong I am to get through it and give myself credit for even the little things I get done no matter how small they seem to others.Their achievements and I need to remind myself that each day especially when struggling.

Hope you are all doing OK tonight and WELL DONE for whatever you do today even if that is simply just getting out of bed (even if you returned quickly)Be kind to yourself &be patient.

#loveyourself #COVID19 #longcovid #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #ItsOK #Selfcare #SkinCancer #youmatter #beyou #CheckInWithMe

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For YOU....... #GeneralParenting #Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #longcovid #MentalHealth #ItsOK #struggle

To YOU who needs to hear this today .
The parent who is trying their best yet still feels that overwhelming guilt or sick feeling of not being enough !!!

I have really had to remind myself of this lately alot more than usual so I just wanted to send it out to anyone else who may be feeling the same.

Even though I am writing it now that both little ones and dog are sound asleep and I am feeling that "atleast I got through another day " with everything going on at the moment and after another few doctors appointments and injections and new medication today to try and alot of information to take it again ......But were all in bed , all happy (even although there were a few tantrums, doors slammed and moans )
Overall it wasn't one of my worst days so that in its self in my eyes is a successful day ♡♡

#Depression #Selfcare #SkinCancer #MentalHealth #youmatter #loveyourself #COVID19 #longcovid #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #Bekind #GeneralParenting

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Why don’t I???

Today I decided to relax.
It’s not like I’m the busiest person.
But today I’m just chilling. No work.

Church online.
A candle.
A crossword puzzle.

I think this is self-care, and it feels so AMAZING that I wonder why I don’t do it more often.
#Selfcare #ItsOK

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It's ok ...... #Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #alone #Insomnia #ItsOK #struggle #MentalHealth

It's ok not too be ok .
We all need to be aware of this and realise that accepting or asking for support isnt a weakness.
That taking time to help ourselves isn't selfish.
That realising things we are struggling with is brave .

That no matter our struggles or problems it doesn't define who we are ,it doesn't make us any less of a person .

We all need to be a little more kind and reach out to each other.

Hope this helps anyone who's needing it justnow ♡

I got this image from a very kind mighty friend who's art is absolutely amazing and very inspiring .
I will be featuring her art work over my posts in the future ♡♡

#Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #alone #Insomnia #ItsOK #struggle #MentalHealth #Bekind #loveyourself #youmatter #youreworthit #yourebeautiful

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Mightiest have a look over this ...... #Anxiety #Support #COVID19 #alone #ItsOK #Depression #Insomnia #CheckInWithMe #youmatter

Recently I was contacting by this lovely lady and I have since found out some more information on what she is offering in this community....

Please have a look over this and join if this is something for you ...I have signed up and can't wait for this workshop to begin......

Description: Kashinda Marche Shares Secret Sauce for Getting Through Struggles
The Mindset ReMix, a FREE 4-week workshop series to be held virtually via Zoom on Saturdays from 11 am – 12noon beginning October 2nd, 2021.

These workshops will help re-align your mindset to get you back to being present and prep you for your future. Whether you have goals you'd like to achieve now or at the top of 2022, a business you'd like to start, or discover who you truly are in this changing world we now live in. These workshops are for you.

If you are looking for others who can relate to a busy mom's struggles with no time for meditating, or the wife looking to rediscover herself, or you are challenged with a chronic health condition and need some social engagement – these workshops are for you. We will begin each session with a 5-minute breathing/meditation exercise. You will gain some insight, wisdom, get to know some of your fellow Mighties, AND get your meditation on all in an hour. You can't beat that.

Covid has shaken our world, and some are struggling more than others. Humanity seems to be diluted by the day, and the love for oneself polluted by the discouraging circumstances surrounding us. Learn to become your own champion with facilitator Kashinda Marche, a published author, mentor, NC State-Certified Peer Support Specialist, and selected TEDx Raleigh Speaker. She has undergone four brain surgeries and still loves to pour into others, all while living her best life from a wheelchair.

Join the next workshop and be inspired, educated, and enlightened. Become a better version of yourself because you can! #mindsetremix

Register here:

#Anxiety #Support #COVID19 #alone #ItsOK #Depression #Insomnia #CheckInWithMe #youmatter #Endometriosis #WritingThroughIt #Selfcare #MentalHealth #SkinCancer #BeYourself #loveyourself

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Remember..... #Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #longcovid #Selfcare #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #ItsOK #youmatter #Bekind

Remember these things no matter what ......

You have to take the time for yourself to heal , rest & refuel ♡

Don't feel guilty for putting yourself first ♡

You have to make sure you take the time to listen to your body and understand when it needs a break ♡

Be proud of yourself for getting through another day ♡

Take one day at a time ♡

#Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #longcovid #Selfcare #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #ItsOK #youmatter #Bekind #alone #itsoknottoobeok #Endometriosis #SkinCancer #Melanoma #Bekind #loveyourself #MightyTogether

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Take a moment ...

After what's been a very hectic , painful, stressful few days , on the way back from my grans tonight with the little ones I seen this beautiful sky and just decided I had to take a few moments.....

A few moments to realise just how strong I am .To realise that no matter what recently has been put on my path I am dealing with it ,even although sometimes I feel defeated.
To realise Its OK to have off days and especially recently with everything going on .
Also to realise that even though I can't do the things I'm use to doing at the moment, and I can't be as full on as I was as a mummy , I was still lucky enough to be able to have a night with them laughing, smiling, playing outside in the sun and the water and being blessed enough to be able to come back home and snuggle with them .♥️
I really have to stop expecting too much from myself right now , putting too much pressure on myself and being far too hard on myself.



#Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #longcovid #COVID pneumonitis #Selfcare #youmatter #loveyourself #Bekind #ItsOK