This is my first time with #COVID
I think this might be day 4. I got much worse over the last 24 hours. My sinuses keep swelling shut. I usually breathe through my nose so I keep forgetting to breathe. So I've been dizzy and lightheaded all day. I'll get the meds tomorrow. Hopefully by next week I'll be ok.
I feel absolutely useless. I'm the one who cooks dinner for us. I'm gonna have to teach her how to make my hot dog for dinner tonight. She is trying to learn how to help me with food when I'm sick.
I haven't had coffee since Saturday morning. Flutter made me a really good bottle of coffee. She was very excited to make coffee for me. She knows coffee is my love language. It was so incredibly sweet. I really love the heck out of her.
I still haven't spoken to my mom in almost 2 months. Part of me wants to let her know I have COVID but the other part of me doesn't think she'll care.