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This is my first time with #COVID

I think this might be day 4. I got much worse over the last 24 hours. My sinuses keep swelling shut. I usually breathe through my nose so I keep forgetting to breathe. So I've been dizzy and lightheaded all day. I'll get the meds tomorrow. Hopefully by next week I'll be ok.

I feel absolutely useless. I'm the one who cooks dinner for us. I'm gonna have to teach her how to make my hot dog for dinner tonight. She is trying to learn how to help me with food when I'm sick.

I haven't had coffee since Saturday morning. Flutter made me a really good bottle of coffee. She was very excited to make coffee for me. She knows coffee is my love language. It was so incredibly sweet. I really love the heck out of her.

I still haven't spoken to my mom in almost 2 months. Part of me wants to let her know I have COVID but the other part of me doesn't think she'll care.

#Relationships #Caregiving #lovelanguage

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So much was planned but I've been hurting too much

I think we might go to the bubble tea shop today. I want to introduce flutter to caramel taro bubble tea. It's so yummy. I know we're going to Aldi for ingredients for dinner. And I'm going antiquing with her husband when he gets home. I don't know if flutter and her daughter are going to the fancy garden for pictures. Flutter is making a pot of butterscotch toffee flavored coffee right now. It's my favorite flavor. I got sweet cream creamer and sugar free pumpkin spice creamer and torani caramel syrup so I can make fancy drinks. Flutter has been trying to make my coffee and she's figuring it out. I'm really happy cuz coffee is my love language. I'm kinda hungry.

#Relationships #lovelanguage

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What labels fit your personality?

I've written in the past about the kinds of labels that feel pathologizing. But if I'm honest, I'm also obsessed with personality quizzes. Not that I use them to make any important life decisions, but when they feel like they fit, they can be interesting glimpses into the ways in which I behave.

How These Labels Help Me as Someone With Complex PTSD

Do you enjoy taking personality quizzes? If so, which ones do you like and how do they reflect your story?

#PTSD #CPTSD #Trauma #personality #Mbti #Enneagram #lovelanguage #Labels

How These Labels Help Me as Someone With Complex PTSD

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How will you treat yourself this weekend? #52SmallThings

Welcome to Friday, Mighties. You did it! After a long week, you might want to treat yourself to a little indulgence as a reward. Maybe you had a busy week at work or home (or “work from home”). Or maybe you had a taxing health appointment or two. Or maybe it was all of the above! Whatever made the week treat-worthy for you, we’re here to help you celebrate — especially if receiving gifts is one of your love languages.

This treat doesn’t have to cost a single penny, unless of course you want it to. You could spend create something using craft supplies in your house already. You can grab a book from your bookshelf you’ve been meaning to read. Or maybe you prefer to “fire up” the Netflix queue and curl up on the couch for the evening. Whatever you choose, let us know how you plan to treat yourself this weekend for a week well done.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Anxiety #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #BipolarDisorder #Depression #PTSD #Trauma #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #AutoimmuneDisease #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #Autism #lovelanguage #Selfcare #Treatyourself #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe

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Write yourself a pep talk ✏️ #52SmallThings

Every now and then, we all could use a little pick-me-up in the form of a few words. Maybe you need to know how valued you are. Or how much you matter to those around you. Or perhaps you need to know that you can do whatever it is that you’re currently struggling with (whether it’s work, home or school-related, etc.)

What is something you need to hear today? Jot it down in the comments below.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Autism #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ChronicPain #Migraine #Selfcare #lovelanguage #CheerMeOn #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe

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What’s your favorite way to spend some “me” time? #52SmallThings

It might be hard sometimes to get in some quality alone time — from balancing work or school (or both) to managing your health, your virtual social life and so on, there may not feel like enough hours in the day. However, making time for yourself is super important. If quality time is your love language, or you simply enjoy getting some “me” time in whenever you can, what’s your favorite thing to do?

Maybe you like reading, indulging in your favorite hobbies, marathoning a TV show or simply just vegging out and doing nothing. Whatever it is, let us know in the comments below!

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Trauma #PTSD #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #AutoimmuneDisease #Autism #Selfcare #lovelanguage #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe

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What is your love language? #52SmallThings

This week’s challenge is all love languages and how they play a role in leveling up your self-care routine. We'll primarily be looking at these from a self-love perspective, but you can apply these to romantic, platonic and familial relationships as well. There are five love languages to choose from. What’s yours?

🎁 - Receiving gifts
📚  - Quality Time
🧺  - Acts of Service
📝  - Words of Affirmation
🤗  - Physical Touch

Maybe you like receiving gifts or having uninterrupted quality time. Maybe you prefer doing or arranging tasks that make you feel good (or having them done for you), as acts of service. Or perhaps you like words of affirmations or physical touch. Drop the emoji that best matches the love language you identify with below.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Trauma #PTSD #Migraine #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Autism #selfcare #Selflove #lovelanguage   #EmojiCheckIn   #CheckInWithMe   #DistractMe

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What is your love language? #CheckInWithMe

When I first heard about love languages, I’ll admit I was a little bit skeptical. But as I learned more about them and how they actually can benefit your relationships with other people, the more I realized there could be some science behind it.

We have both a primary and secondary love language, and mine are receiving gifts and quality time. Receiving gifts doesn’t mean you’re materialistic. At least the way I interpret it, it means that I appreciate the thoughtfulness and effort put behind each gift I receive. I love handmade gifts vs. store bought (though store bought is fine!). As for quality time, I love when I can spend time on a shared hobby with someone I care about.

How do you love? Maybe you like receiving gifts or having uninterrupted quality time like I do. Maybe you prefer having things done for you that you’re unable to do when you’re not feeling well without having to ask. Or perhaps you need to be reminded of their love for you through words or physical touch like hugs.

Share your love language below. ❤️

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Parenting #Disability #RareDisease #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Love #52SmallThings #DistractMe #AutoimmuneDisease #ChronicPain #Autism #lovelanguage #Migraine