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I’m out of bed! Let’s celebrate!

Sometimes you just need someone to give you a high five for what seems like the hardest thing you’ve ever done. I took the first step. I got out of bed. I opened my tool box and got on the bike. I’m barely moving. It’s still stepping towards living. Good for me 🏆 #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Toolbox #move

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Snow Crystal Landscape #snow #ice #crystal #zoom out #stuck #move

I took this pic ages ago of the frost on my car roof. I guess it looks eldritch and otherly but it also reminds me that the closer one looks at something the more complicated that something seems. At times, if one's feelings, thoughts and perceptions are causing troubles, is it sometimes better to zoom out and go with bigger more tangible issues? I have to zoom out often just get things done 🙂 .

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One Thing

#52SmallThings Today I’m going to move. The depression has me sitting for hours, but I really want to do one thing physical today. The chronic pain won’t like it but the #52SmallThings email has really motivated me. #move #Walk #Pilates

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#move it or Lose it!!! #

#CheckInWithMe pain is ever present, but I’ve got my straps on, a positive mind (today) and my yoga mat eagerly awaits a companion.
I am my worst enemy, pushing to hard, hating not being fit and strong but it is what it is. We just have to get on with it on our good days😀
So less chat more breathe in and see you on the mat guys👍

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Living successfully with fibromyalgia #

I just read the article on 19 scary thoughts of FM and recognise a lot of the issues people are dealing with.
I was #diagnosed 15 years ago and off work for four months during which I tried to #learn as much as possible about the condition and what my #triggers were for #FlareUps . I was single and had a #mortgage to pay off. There was a time I could hardly #move and get in or out of #bed . What really #helped was my personal #Acceptance of FM. In order to #pace myself I returned to work 4 days a week with the Wednesday as my day off. The other thing that really #worked was to keep #moving so I went for short #walks with my dog and #learned #Yoga and #Meditation . I didn’t #dwell on the things I #couldn ’t do but #focused on the things I #could or could do #different . I stayed away from #negative people and surrounded myself with those who had a #positive #outlook on life.
It did take quite a few #years to #learn to #live with FM but once #mastered I found that one still could have a #good life with FM. So the main #ingredients were #knowledge , #Acceptance , #Meditation , #Yoga , #pacing , a #can do #attitude , and #positive #outlook and #people in your life.

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