Failure is not an option #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #narcissist #Addiction #AddictionRecovery
I started my new job yesterday and I was super excited and nervous but something was off. I couldn't figure it out until I was driving home and the tears came pouring out. I realized for 26 years I told my narcissist husband everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I search for some type of approval from him still. What I just couldn't comprehend is after 6 months of moving out and learning to move on and making boundaries I still wanted to contact him. It's frustrating and shameful. I feel shame because he hurt me physically, emotionally, verbally, and spiritually. Why would I want to go back? I start thinking what's wrong with me? Then I have to stop, and breathe. I have to remember why I left. I have overcome addiction because it was easier to numb my misery with him with a substance than to face the fact that our marriage was over. It took 10 years to get to were I am today. I never gave up on me. So why am I gonna give up now? I decided to make a list of good qualities and why I have gratitude. What a difference it made! I am so blessed to be able to look back on my life 6 months ago. I was a shell of a person. I had to seek approval from everyone because it was a learned behavior with my ex. I was afraid to do anything that he wouldn't be happy with.
Today, I don't live like this. I am learning to be self sufficient. I am learning to be loving and caring to myself. I have made a life outside the abuse and I truly love it. I smile today more than I have in years. I do things that I never thought I could ever do. I am starting a new job as a Peer Advocate with a huge company. My life is just starting and it's getting better day by day. I must remember to love myself more. Be easy on myself more and remember healing takes time. Be patient!