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Is anyone else looking for a new friend or someone to check in with daily? #Anxiety #NeedFriends #MilitarySpouse

I would like to find someone I can build a healthy friendship with and just check in with daily. I have honestly stopped associating with most of my “friends” because I just don’t feel a connection with them anymore due to my anxiety. That or they became really toxic and needed to be removed. I’m a military spouse as well so it’s not like it’s easy to meet and keep friends.
Any who if anyone else feels the same way feel free to comment and get to know me.


Hello.. new here

Hello! I’m new here and this is hard for me to do but figured I would try... My fiancé told me that I need to look into counseling for my anxiety and apparently I get angry too fast and over everything 🤷🏼‍♀️ he’s right lol I also have a hard time letting go of things. I stress too much and sometimes over stupid things. I get frustrated when things don’t go the way I hoped or planned. I stress/worry about everything; events, things in the past, and the future. My anxiety gets to me so much that it stops me from doing things that I want to do, it makes me fail at things, and is causing problems in my relationship. It’s even stopping me from going to a counselor and getting help. I’m scared. I’m embarrassed. Any advice? Tips? Someone to talk too? #Anxiety #Problems #anger #scared #needhelp #NeedFriends #ThisIsOutOfMyComfortZone #worry


Been very suicidal #grieving #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #AN

#DistractMe #NeedFriends trigger warning. I need help.lost my grandpa last week and my family has been pushing me to the physical limits for 15 days straight. I am from chicago and they are toxic telling me to stoo putting my illness int he way and focus on the family.its hard because he died in my gmas and my arms because he fell down the stairs(been living with them 13 years) . Be i have hmo bcbs group 447 and no one wants to perscribe anything for my mental health.i have no friends or supporting family.i been so self harming and suicidal recently.(been struggling since age 14 now 26) what would you do? I am also broke sonidk if i can just walk in to a clinic and idk how all that wotks.


What you don’t see #Anxiety #Alonewithnosupport

On the outside I look together. I’m a professional, always smiling. But my husband of 10 years says I’m too much. That I complain too much and my children (from previous marriage) are too much (2 are adults and one is a teen). I have no friends and no family left. Living in a small community where therapy may be too close for comfort. Just when I thought I had it all together, everything feels like it’s falling apart. My oldest son (adult) hates me. My middle child (adult)is struggling with mental health and addiction and my youngest got kicked out of school for cheating and his severe impulsivity. I hate my job but I work from home mostly and no other job pays as much if I were to leave. My husband won’t express his feelings except to say he’s ready to leave me and I thought we had this healthy wonder relationship. I express my feelings on everything and he never expresses his. #Broken #NeedFriends #Spiralling

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I push #Pushingmyself

Hello im jasmine.. I have lupus fibro and gastroparsis (not sure of im spelling that right) anyway I can't take the opioid pills that they give me when im not in the hospital.. I'm allergic to most opioids except Dilaudid so I get that but lately my pain has been off the charts and I went to the ER once and I haven't been back cuz I've been pushing through my pain and suffering as much as I can. I'm scared cuz drs. Think one way about me and then some understand its such a hard time finding the balance cuz they look at me as a drug addict but im not.. And it scares me to go to the ER that they might admit me again or look at me like an addict... Or im just in pain and trying to act well.. I don't leave the house and I have no friends its so sad... #NeedFriends

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What kind of things do you do (daily) to keep your anxiety down? What do you do to regain control when experiencing an anxiety attack? #newbie #NeedFriends #Anxiety #AnxietyDisorders #help


# ##FeelingAlone #NeedFriends Insomnia

I can’t sleep. Had this problem since I was 8. I take meds but they go through cycles. Right now is one where it’s not. My husband sleeps in the living room. For many reasons. I just feel so alone. I need friends. Someone who understands any chronic condition & wants to vent & listen to me vent sometimes without saying I’m whining

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