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You are my sunshine adaptation

I love to write and I love to adapt songs and poetry. It's something I do for fun and it helps keep me grounded.

Written for my partner this morning:

You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine
These days may be harder,
while skies are grey
But, don't you fret dear,
it's warmer when you're near,
and, together we will always find our way

#Writing #WritingThroughIt #whilewalking #Dating #Anxiety #Depression #searching #Journaling #Walking

Photo from one of my walks

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The one thing...#theonething #lonely #searching #lost

When asked by a therapist what is the one thing that I’ve always wanted...I have always responded with “contentment.” Is this an impossible goal? If not, where do I even start? I’m so lost...

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#extremely -frustrated #ineedhelp ##ineedtreatment

I am totally frustrated and worn out, I have gone to my Psychologyst asking for help, I have been on treatment with him since 2005, all I get is drugs. I am so tired of... I want to get to the root of my trauma which is much,
C- ptds since I was a little girl.
#War #ChildAbuse #abondonment #Rape#loseofmyfather
#spousalabuse ; #mental #verbal;
#religious ; rape by his friend;
#caretakerofothers ; #watchin #watching death many times over.

I left my husband with a suitcase,
I've been living mostly out of my car, my brother's couch for the last eighth years... While he has a wonderful life with a family and Hardley Davidsons.

I have fought to stay sane, but at this point I feel I am loosing my battle... I asked my Dr. To please send me to a treatment center .
The problem is I have Medicare as Primary. And Tricary for life as seecondary.... This week has been hell for me, the only place Medicare will approve is
"Wilmington treatment Center"
I have heard some bad things about this place...
Has anyone been there, or knows of someone that has been there?

Or knows of a place in the Raleigh area that they would recommend.? Please I am begging. # #desperately #searching



Darkness that clouds my every thought. The shadows beneath my eyes it shields my every infliction.

I sit, I do not think. I am not allowed to think not in the darkness. When that darkness creeps up on me. With its lingering claws. Clawing at my finger tips.

Shuddering me to an ever ending climax of emptiness. Never knowing when I can crawl out of that cage darkness has encased me in.

I scream nobody hears, those only hear what they see. Darkness nobody can see....

#MightyPoets #darkness #Anxiety #panic #searching

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