Being a furry sometimes sucks, this is one of days…
I make custom mascot costumes or fursuits for others. All commissions of course. I’ve been taking commissions for a little over 3 years now. I take commissions in small batches as to not overwhelm myself.
These lastest two commissions have made me feel all sorts of uncomfortable for a number of reasons. The first commissioner is nearly finished paying off their $3000 custom costume but I can’t move forward with even ordering fabric due to not having their body measurements and whenever I ask about them they blow me off, saying they are busy and will get to it later.
The other commissioner has made one payment of $500 on their $4500 costume. The $500 down payment usually is more than enough for me to purchase essential supplies (foam, thread, guts for the foot paw, etc) however there are 8 different colors of faux fur needed for their costume and a different color for their paw pads totaling 9 different colors needed for one single costume. I have tried and there is no possible way to afford everything needed for the $500 down payment.
This commissioner clams to they have read my terms of service, however if they have then they wouldn’t have made one payment back in November and ghosted me for lest last three months. I cannot even float the missing money due to bills. I’m terrified to ask for payment feeling like they are gonna think I’m ripping them off or scamming them…it sucks because my friends recommended that this guy commission me so I feel as if I cannot vent or ask them for help in this situation. I’m SO upset by this, because he keeps asking for updates on his suit as well as a deadline. I don’t do deadlines and again, if they read through my TOS then they should know this. I work as fast as I can but due to the complexity I don’t want to rush. I want to turn out the highest quality possible. :(
Honestly these two latest commissions and commissioners and their lack of respect for me and my talents have really turned me off of ever taking another commission again :(
I’m at a loss for what to do, gaslit myself early this morning. My anxiety has made me sick and my depression has been at an all time high. I’m not sure what to do.
Here’s a picture of my cat, jojo. He makes me happy.
#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts