Why do I continue to hold on? What purpose do I have? I think of my mother, wife, father, and friends.
An only child, my exit would definitely wound my mothers soul.
Everyone else will move on with their life, memory of my life forgotten in time.
No children of my own, withering hopes and dreams, time passing by, heavy heart, how long will I continue this way? What is the point of it all? What can anyone say that I have not considered? What can anyone do to lift my spirits?
For years I’ve often considered ending my life, the thought of my mother is the only thing that has kept me from this fate.
Why suffer? Why hurt, why endure this inner turmoil? 40. Almost 40, feeling the same as I did at 20. Medicated, giving in to hope, only to return to this same place, this same feeling, this same thought. Why not?
Can I actually let go? Give in?
No children, no desire to replicate this affliction, no future, hope declining, and if it were to rise again, when will it come crashing once again? All in due time. For now I contemplate will this be the night?
#hopeless #Void #Goodnight