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Happy Birthday Captain Tom 100 today Yayyyyy #100

Hiya Mightys

Its Britains and The Worlds Favourite Mans 100th birthday today . He has raised so much goodwill
So much money
A Number one record
And today he is 100

So I wanted to say hello and good morning to you all and remind you all that although we are all going through very difficult times. Many wonderful things are still going on around the world.

Love n hugs Tj
💖🌈🤗😘🐶🐾🍰🎈🎊🎉🏆🎖 #Love #Hugs #Birthday #Goodwill #Morninggoodwishes #checkonyourneighbours #CaptainTom #RareDisease #Anxiety #TrigeminalNeuralgia #Bekind #Loveyou #Kindness #Selfcare #Chatspace #PanicDisorder #HSP #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder

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Captain Tom Moore #hero #mightmoments

Wow wow wow wow

I wanted to share this with you my Mighty family

This very brave gentleman of a young age at 99 years old he will be 100 years old very soon.

Started doing laps to raise money for the UK NHS. Our national health service. His way of saying thankyou to the NHS for his treatment for cancer and a broken hip.

His original target was £1000 then 2 weeks ago one of our national tv channels picked it up.
Everyone started to donate.
The target was changed and changed again, and again.

Today when I watched the BBC news his target stands at just under a million pounds.
Yes just short of a million UK pounds.
He wanted to raise a thousand pounds by his 100 th birthday when he will recieve a personal birthday card from the Queen .
He only has a few laps left to do.
He served in the war. He is now doing something in the fight against the covid19 war.
What a hero.
#heroes #100 #99 #Millionpoundsraised #MightyTogether #Captaintommoore #Laps #Cancer #HipReplacement #NHS #Sayingthankyou #Brokenhip #RareDisease #Amazing


Collect 100 sentences of feelings

Hi everyone! I’m a student study in royal college of Art.
I am suffering from #BPD #Depression
I find that few people really understand us and understand how it feels like.
I’m trying to collect #100 sentences of feels about their mental health problems and turned the feels into some art project or exhibitions.
So others might have a better understanding of what we are going through.
Could you please write down one sentence of your feeling? It will be completely anonymous:) thx


First time sharing my thoughts #

First time actually recognizing myself and a lot of others around myself and also knowing that not everyone claim who they are to be and the ones who really do are the ones who are the craziest due to lies, letdowns and just altogether unreal disbelief that who or what they believed in wasn't and never will be who or what that certain person actually claims to honestly be! Real##100 ##legittothecore