hey everyone....rn im filled with suicidal thoughts once again cant understand how to overcome those memories which i dont deserve. even this thing has made my immune health weak....so i was that girl whom ever1 saw as a bully puppet, in the 12 yrs of my whole lyf where children play with their frnds celebrate their bdays with their frnds meanwhile me who've spent her whole lyf sitting by herself at the last desk just bcz nobody wanted to sit with me, my daily routine upto 12th was reached the classroom, sat ony my desk nd keeping a hope that sm1 will sit with me, but my mates would have already made plans to not to sith with me even if theres any emergency then they would put the bag b/w us so that they couldnt touched with me accidentally. nd at the lunch tym....ive eaten my breakfast by myself by looking out of the windows where my classmates play. and after 6hrs of crying internally in the skul when i came back home....the homies had such a beautiful rltn that ive never witnessed how it is feel to have those parents who love each other. till the nyt the whole house witnessed only rage,anger and crying voice as i m the youngest nd non manipulative person....so i was the target to beat the crap outta me as i wasnt an idle daughter who doesnt obey their narcissistic behaviour.
came to the clg....same thing happened here....as i live in the hostel so ive tried to be with every single person in a hope that sm1 will be my frnd but my luck had other plans haha. i didnt 9 this thing until 2nd yr that with whom im living.....they do backbiting passing racial slurs about me same as the skul as per my physique. im still a human how much can i pretend smtyms i cant ctrl my emotions nd starts weeping. then i met my bf....though he had similar childhood too so i thought that finally ive got sm1 bt silly me i 4got that every1 leaves me after 1 or less than 1 year lol.....our rltn was going healthy but since 2024, idk why bt he started being more bz as he is top notch businessman....even ive halt some events just to be with him but its been 11 months now i cant beg anymore abt sm1s attention or tym.....as couples spend tym with each other nd its a common thing ryt, meanwhile i would have to say multiple tyms literally like come come or else im coming to u blah blah but upto when.....even last month ive cried like a mad for the first tym in front of him bt i think he didnt care abt that situation like why did i cry.....is it bcz i wanted a quality tym with him? is it wrong? my colleagues r so much selfish that they literally live on their money not on their parents.....nd i didnt do this lowly thing with him. but ig todays boys love a girl with slefish nature who will destroy them......
so on the day of breakup i was soo fed up to beg abt the tym so what i did was i just copied nd pasted his dialogue on him that im bz i cant be with u.....if it was other way around then i would ask literally infinte tyms as i was always do....bt wht i get in response was OKAY BYE!
i mean what.....ive literally did every single thing to be with him meanwhile he literally didnt ask me why or why not i mean when ppl do this to me its okay for them bt when i did the same......im a bad person? im bad bcz i want every1s well being? or bcz i want sm attention that i didnt get? wht i know is....im too a human not an animal🥲
ps - english isnt my first language #help #Advice #Trauma