Back Pain

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Just about a month away

I leave for con on August 29th. It's a non-stop flight to Memphis. I'm so excited. I'm gonna have a wheelchair this year so I don't have to deal with hip or back pain. And I've switched to vaping exclusively so I won't be yucky to kiss. I am really excited to see my girlfriend. And we're gonna spend the whole week after con together. We're gonna cook together, go to a special bakery, and go to an antique mall. We might go see the new Deadpool movie together. And there are special things she wants to do. It's gonna be awesome. I promise to take lots of pictures to share.

#CheerMeOn #Relationships

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When I woke up

I was feeling good. No migraine, no back pain, no tummy ache. So I made a pot of coffee. It was delicious. A half hour later I was in the bathroom with GI distress and horrible pain. I really thought today might be a good day. I'm hoping it was just a one and done thing.

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can someone explain these results please?

MRI showed "Soft tissues: Subtle posterior paraspinal subcutaneous fat edema could be dependent edema."

I have very bad lower back pain, not able to bend down much because it makes it worse and then it ends up making me walk bent forward. laying down hurts for a while and then passes. rheumatologist suspected Ankylosing spondylitis, Xray clear. Everything else was normal. I was told at first it was just fibromyalgia then again they suspected arthritis as my inflammatory markers were elevated and get even more elevated when im in pain. now they might not suspect arthritis so I don't know what is going on anymore

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Making doctor appointments alone #alone #neurologist #BackPain

It’s tough doing ALL of my medical care alone. Seeing a neurosurgeon again. Hoping for new technologies to treat painful spine opportunities #neurospinesurgeon #Scoliosis #Arthritis #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #sciatica #musclespasms #HerniatedDisc #DDD #BackPain

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Radiofrequency Ablation for Back Pain #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Undiagnosed

Has anyone had a Radiofrequency Ablation procedure for back pain? I have had two medial branch blocks done and I was unsure if those helped.

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Are you struggling with chronic pain, anxiety, or age-related health challenges?

Meet Kristo—he suffered from pains in his body, fibromyalgia, three heart attacks, and one stroke, and has been using a sleep apnea device since 2012.

After 25 years of diligently following the medications and surgeries prescribed to him, his long-term doctors informed him in mid-May 2019 that they could no longer do anything for him. By this point, his body had deteriorated significantly.

He could no longer walk well. His vision was only 30% after two failed eye operations. Using two crutches, he could move a maximum of 100 meters before losing balance and falling over due to the pain. He had been suffering from chronic fatigue for at least 30 years, dragging himself through each day.

His wife, his caregiver for many years, juggled her job in childcare with an unpaid "job" as a nurse, driver, cook, cleaning lady, gardener, and chef, leaving her little time in her busy, hectic life.

Kristo was told to get comfortable in a scooter for disabled people and a wheelchair because that was going to be his life going forward. Their world fell apart - until a friend introduced him to our program.

See the new man! Kristo’s journey from chronic fatigue and debilitating pain to renewed vitality is just one example of how our program is helping many people get their lives back holistically, without medications and surgeries.

We are looking to talk to 60 men and women, especially those over 50, who have health problems and are serious about finding a proper solution.

Your insights will help us build a program tailored to your needs. Participants will be rewarded with a 10% discount when the program launches. It provides transformative results, by the way.

Interested? YES or NO?

Comment below if you want to participate!


#ChronicFatigue #ChronicIllness #ChronicDailyHeadache #ChronicLungDisease #ChronicPain #chronic #ChronicLungDisease #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #ChronicPancreatitis #ChronicTraumaticEncephalopathy #ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease #ChronicOrthostaticIntolerance #ChronicVestibularMigraine #MentalHealth #Addiction #chronic #Anxiety #Arthritis #BackPain #CeliacDisease #CommonVariableImmuneDeficiency #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Eczema #EosinophilicEsophagitis #HashimotosThyroiditis #ChronicLymphocyticLeukemia #HashimotosThyroiditis #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #InterstitialCystitis #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS

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Bad appointment with physiatrist

I went to see my physiatrist today to discuss the fact that I am declining. His response was that my relationship with my chronic back pain is the problem. He essentially told me that other patients of his have debilitating back pain and still go golfing so there is no reason for me to not be able to do the things I say I can't do. He recommended I see a psychiatrist to help me address my relationship with my back pain.

I do not deny that I should be able to do more. That's why I was there, after all. I wanted to discuss what we can do to get me going in the right direction. But I left feeling dismissed and my pain and experience invalidated.

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is BjornR. I'm here because I have chronic pain in my back since 40 years. I am now on OXY and I am trying to find ways away from these pills!

#MightyTogether #Depression #BackPain #ChronicPain #MicroscopicColitis

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Tired of pain

The last few days I’ve tried to lie down and I haven’t been sleeping well because whenever I lay down, I get really bad back pain #EDS

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