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I was craving a burger. So.. no gourmet burger but damn I had a racetrack hamburger on the way to the beach... I'm still alive 😱. Take a risk, sometimes it's necessary. 🍔🌈....
#Risks #beach #Food

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Visiting the waterfront and the wildlife there Filled My Mighty Bucket! #MightyTogether #DistractMe

I had the pleasure of visiting the waterfront and the ducks (I think), seagull and maybe other bird(s) while I was there. I think it is wonderful how powerful being by the water is for me and maybe for others.

I don't know what it is. Maybe just being by a huge expanse of water on a beautiful day? Who else feels there Mighty Bucket being filled by things like this? Feel free to share in the comments or in a separate post! Thanks! ⛲🌊🦆🦆
#FillYourMightyBucket #water #beach #Outdoors

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Little Beach Escape #beach #Escape #Depression #DepressiveDisorders #NarcissisticAbuse

So after a super tough month with my parents visiting with 3 weeks notice, (they were going to come earlier but I told them I needed more time as it was in the middle of school term work) which meant lots of cleaning and cooking beforehand. My husband and I drove to Mission Beach in Far North Queensland (one of the most beautiful places on Earth) last weekend and stayed for 2 nights. Every day we went for Beach walks and I was able to clean up the Beach (picking up rubbish as I walk) and collect shells and dead coral too. I love Beach combing! I was so wound up from their visit (It was great to see my mum, sadly she had advanced Alzheimers/Dementia. My dad is a difficult, controlling Narc so he was not so much fun) but after that little mini break I came back so relaxed and calm.
Really nature is our best friend, its great to get out when suffering anxiety or depression. But getting outdoors is the hard part.

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Beach therapy #naturalbeauty #Nature #beach

After a difficult and full on month preparing for my parents visit, cleaning and cooking as they were visiting, out of the blue during school term work.
It was lovely to spend time with my mum but also really sad as she's suffering from advanced alzheimers/dementia. I don't know for how much longer I have her.
So this weekend I decided I needed some self care and beach therapy, as its my happy place. Mission Beach in Far North Qld is incredibly beautiful. Went for a walk this afternoon after arriving, I love beach combing for shells. So relaxing!
It's important to reward ourselves when we've gone through a particularly difficult challenge and to fill our cup up again. We can't keep giving and giving and not expecting to run out eventually.
Hope you all have a great weekend and take some time out for yourselves.

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While I'm going downhill again due to this pandemic and its consequences, I've been enjoying going to the beach like crazy. I just wanted to share some of the calm it gives me. ❤

#Depression #BPD #beach


#beach escape!

#Inside during the pandemic hasn't been bad. #Taking on line courses for fun, #establishing rituals, #embracing zen, all have helped in gaining #good medicine". But after a day of politely listening as others talk at me about fluff, feigning interest for hours, restraining to gasp at what i'm hearing---#Evening beach escape is heaven. Medically safe, no one nearby, peace, sound of the ocean, the day drifting away, the sunset. So worth a 30 minute drive!

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I can't wait till things are as calm and peaceful as this

Things are crazy right now and I'm so looking forward to normality returning when I can go out and take photos like this again 😂 #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #calm #Photography #beach #sunset

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