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My little space ...... #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD

My garden & all the plants are starting to come out now and it's looking soo pretty .Plus some of my litte cosy & relaxing area is also done .I love sitting out there under the gazebo even if it's dull or rainy.Its such a nice space & being stuck at home really all the time now I love having that so I can sit outside.Still so much to do in the garden but It's actually something I really enjoy now 🙂 Just need some better weather now and I can be out there all the time !!

#MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD #Positivity #Bekind #loveyourself #ChronicPain #AloneTogether #Endometriosis #Insomnia #Upallnight #Outdoors

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Oh Countryside and Contrast

I am so happy to connect with you all once more. What a glorious morning and one in which I found to find a spot to be present in and reaffirm connection with the balance of life. There is life and death in this view they are ever intertwined,the warmth of the sun and the blur of the mist contrasting with the cold and defined gravestones. A reminder to be grateful, to see clear our blessings and to know that with no one thing alone we can be with our triggers see them not as the gateway to the shadow but as an opportunity to see the light, feel the immortal warmth of love, the stillness and peace in each moment. One of the incredible gifts of the countryside is the sense of space, bound by the human construct of time everything can appear to go by so fast, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and against the clock but sat in the countryside things appear more expansive there is hope in these hills, with each breathe we can feel the pressure within us subside and connected with Mother Nature we are offered up serenity, if we respect her she will be there, free of judgement, of expectation and full of joy. #Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Outdoors #Mindful

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My Happy Places

When thinking of happy places, I'll try to remember some of the happy trips I've taken with friends or family. This is in OH, where I visited a former college roommate this summer. #Travel #encouragement #Relationships #Beauty #Outdoors #Hope

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Observing things outside Fills My Mighty Bucket! Especially detail! How about you??🕵️‍♀️🕵️🕵️‍♂️ #FillYourMightyBucket #Mindfulness

I was out and about today and observed this mosaic design on a structure. There are multiple aspects of viewing it that help Fill My Mighty Bucket, some of which are: the design, the color, the expanse of it, and the way the light reflects off of it. Maybe it's because I enjoy doing art and attention to detail, I'm not sure. But I know it is a bucket filler for me.

Does anyone else find that something they see or observe outside Fills Your Mighty Bucket?? Feel free to share in the comments! Thanks!

#FillYourMightyBucket #MightyTogether #Outdoors

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Treebath’s Forest Therapy Training Earns ASWB Accreditation

When we launched Treebath back in 2017 we could never have foretold where we would end up. Never did we expect to become the first nature-based therapy program to achieve ASWB accreditation for example!

The Approved Continuing Education (ACE) certification that the Association of Social Workers Board (ASWB) has awarded us now means that social workers who complete out training will receive 9 General Social Work Practice continuing education credits- a momentous step forwards for nature-based therapies.

“Achieving ACE accreditation for our Forest Therapy Practitioner training program highlights our dedication to upholding the highest professional standards to ensure the validity and continued growth of Forest Therapy. Through achieving this accreditation, Treebath’s training materials and methodology have been rigorously reviewed and found to offer the highest quality of continued education, according to best practices.” - Nicole Elmgart, Co-Founder of Treebath

Treebath is therefore leading the way in validating Forest Therapy as a successful practice with evidence-based findings. Our own NAFTI research, in combination with other sources, has been vital in evidentiating that nature-based interventions can improve overall mental health, as well as be effective in supplementing standard treatment and rehabilitation for certain mental illnesses.

Our course was designed to teach both licensed and certified professionals in social and human services (such as social workers and healthcare professionals) how to blend Forest Therapy into their existing practices in the hope to offer a more holistic, 360 approach to mental wellness. The skills taught in our course reflect this goal; attendees are taught how to create a calm, safe, and connected space through the medium of nature, and instructed in ways to create a mindful sensory experience. It is our continued hope that this accreditation will lead to more social workers finding value in Forest Therapy and choosing to integrate it into their own practices.

We’re particularly glad to have achieved this accreditation following on from the turmoil of the last 18 months; in a time where isolation has been mandatory and social distancing has been our saving grace, it has been heartening to see so many people finding comfort in nature. Getting outdoors adopted a whole new meaning for many of us following on from our time holed up in our homes, and the newfound appreciation for nature following on from this reassures us of the necessity of our work.

It’s onwards and upwards for Treebath, and we can’t wait to continue paving the way for Forest Therapy as an essential therapeutic practice.

#mental health #Nature #Meditation #forestbathing #foresttherapy #socialwork #Therapy #Outdoors #treebath

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Shade for a friend 🥀🐸

I took this photo a year ago. I was in awe how this frog got onto my deck. The rose giving him shade was the perfect photo opp #Photo #Photography #Nature #Outdoors

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Does seeing certain Fall colors Fill Your Mighty Bucket?? 🍃☺️🍁🐿️🎨 #FillYourMightyBucket #Mindfulness #Senses #Nature #DistractMe

Hi everyone! Are there any specific Fall colors that help Fill Your Mighty Bucket when you see them? I find that I like reds and oranges, myself. I enjoy being mindful and noticing the colors and details in nature! Especially on the sunny days!

Does your Mighty Bucket get filled by Fall colors?

#FillYourMightyBucket #MightyTogether #Outdoors #DistractMe

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Do Sunny, Fall days Fill Your Mighty Bucket?? 🌤️🍂🍁🍃🌳🌳🏞️ #FillYourMightyBucket #fall #MightyTogether #DistractMe

I was outside today and I noticed how sunny it was and how awesome the trees are with Fall colors! So, like I might normally do, I took pictures! As in other posts, I like 'capturing' what Fills My Mighty Bucket in some way. As an alternative to photography, another way to do this can be drawing it! But I think that also just observing it can be a Bucket Filler.

Does anyone else feel their Mighty Bucket being Filled by Sunny, Fall days?
#Outdoors #Nature #Weather

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Visiting the waterfront and the wildlife there Filled My Mighty Bucket! #MightyTogether #DistractMe

I had the pleasure of visiting the waterfront and the ducks (I think), seagull and maybe other bird(s) while I was there. I think it is wonderful how powerful being by the water is for me and maybe for others.

I don't know what it is. Maybe just being by a huge expanse of water on a beautiful day? Who else feels there Mighty Bucket being filled by things like this? Feel free to share in the comments or in a separate post! Thanks! ⛲🌊🦆🦆
#FillYourMightyBucket #water #beach #Outdoors

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Another opportunity to 'capture' the clouds! Drop(s) in my Mighty Bucket=✅ #FillYourMightyBucket #DistractMe #MightyTogether

It's interesting to me how simple things, liked clouds and other things in nature, fill my bucket and not only mine, it seems! The clouds can be in such interesting formations in my opinion 🤓. I feel like more than before I am on the lookout for things like these to photograph. It's fun to me when I come across those simple things...and sometimes, not so simple!

Does anyone else relate to this? If you want, you can share photos of anything that Fills Your Mighty Bucket in a separate post! Thanks!
#Nature #Selfcare #Selfcare #Outdoors