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Turkey Vulture

Saw this tree full of turkey vultures on our drive into town. They only gather in numbers like this when there is a meal to eat...sure enough a wild pig was alongside the road. They were just waiting for the right time to feast. They're ugly but certainly do there job! #Nature , #Birds ,
# asthma, # sarcoidosis,
# spinal cord stimulator

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Flurry of hummingbird activity #hummingbirds ,# nature, #Birds , # chronic pain, # sarcoidosis, #Asthma , #spinal cord stimulator

It's migration time for Hummingbirds on there way to warmer areas for the winter

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My parakeet Otto Ruthless

#MightyPets #parakeet #Birds #CRPS #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome

I adopted Otto in 2021 after having to find my dog Legacy a new home ( She's spoiled, loved and healthy in her new home, blessed an elderly woman.) I'm still heartbroken not having Legacy who is 17yrs old now...I had her for 12 years. But I get occasional updates and know she's loved. I actually tried to end my life shortly after losing her. I've never not had a pet and if it wasn't for having to move and only place I could find "No Pets!"I would still have my dog... Finally I convinced my LL to let me get a small bird. I went in Petco and they had 4 budgies all bright yellow exactly the same! Lol I watched them for an hour. 1 looked sick, and 1 one chirped and danced and played ( Otto) other two moved around but weren't playing or chirping.

Anyway I said I want the active chirpy one... 2 months later he was wolf whistling and a couple weeks after that saying his name. Now he as a 50+ word vocabulary. He for some reason calls me "pretty" or "pretty pretty"... I taught him the words but he started calling me that on his own. If I'm down or upset he'll say, "I love you pretty. Do you need an Otto?"

He is my sunshine and my pride and joy. Super smart, isn't just mimicking as he's formed his own sentences. Some is mimicking of course.

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I keep seeing cardinals

and maybe it's those that have passed on showing me a little love. I like to think so. At least it's better to think about than what's currently going on in the world. #Birds #smallmoment s

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Know you are loved...

I woke up this morning wondering what I’m doing here.
#Life ? #Love ? #Giving ? #Understanding ? What?? I asked myself..
ALL of the above! ( I heard myself)

We have a #Choice .
Live with memories of #traumatic childhoods,
#live with a #Determination of #yes ! #They can’t hurt me anymore! The past is over...let’s get on with healing..

#freedom is ours, it’s always knocking to come home,
Turn the key friend, OPEN THE DOOR!
Your #heart is still #lovingly beating for you. For you #preious One...
They never managed to take your #heart
For many winters, you’ve survived with a #Broken heart- yes
Now, come out, open the door, and #listen to the #Birds
Listen to your heart
Know you are loved.

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Cormorants/Aalscholvers #ADHD #Depression #Birds

Not the best photo's, but taken today. They were quite far away.
#ADHD #Depression


What activity could you do over and over and never get sick of? #activity

Some of mine are:
Listening to music
Petting my dog
Sitting and listening to the birds
Sitting at a bonfire
Listening to live music
Sunbathing (don't do it enough) #Camping #Music #dog #Birds #bonfire #sunbathing #LiveMusic