I walked out on my job
SO...one friday too many knowing the day after would just be another hot, over exerted, dreamless of a repeat day followed by ONE day off just to do the whole nine hour day, six days a week thing--and my mind did a litte SCREW THAT.
I went to ask a few coworkers what they thought I should do, and even though they recommended I just stay I literally felt like killing myself if I had to work one more minute. So, I told my boss I was going home. Didn't call or come in the next day or today and I won't be tomorrow either. I will however be calling my HR to see if I could possibly get my job back and under the condition that I apply for FMLA. Because obviously I need it to function. I don't get how aome people can work 60-70 hours a week...life is supposed to be more than work, sleep, eat. Has anyone else ever had to walk away from a job? Or gotten a job back after doing so?
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #FMLA
#Depression #Anxiety #Work #bpdcoping