I am not new to having mental breakdowns. I know mental breakdowns can look different for everybody. But let me give you a little insight on what mine look like. Usually they come on due to a Trumatic event that just took place in my life such as losing a loved one. And these breakdowns I would actually prefer because I know they’re coming. I will sleep for 24 To 48 hours straight depending on the intensity of the mental break. The last one Prior to this one had sent me to behavior clinic which I found to just be useless because all we did was just sleep there.
My most recent breakdown was on Monday this time it felt different. I have been fine during this whole quarantine epidemic that’s going on Pretty much just riding it out. But somehow and I don’t know if it is this virus thing that got me but it got to me on Monday during midday, while I was at work. All I remember was the guys that I work with bickering about who’s right who’s not right and then I remember being attacked for being that type a girl that believes everything she hears on the news. And then I don’t know anything after that...
Here is where things get blurry for me I remember it coming on because the first thing I always do is start to cry uncontrollably and then I blacked out. When I woke up I was in bed. So I don’t know what happened at work , such as if I was causing a commotion , if I was screaming, if I was crying if I walked out. But once I was in bed that was it for me that was the longest time I spent in bed without getting out up to shower eat or go to the bathroom... I was in bed for 72 hours. All of which my memory is so so blurry. Me and my boyfriend even broke up and I don’t even remember it. My heart aches so bad. But how do I reach out to somebody when I don’t even remember what I said or did but I know it had to be something bad.
I’m afraid I may have developed another mental health disorder whether it’s bipolar or maybe I’m starting onset of Alzheimer’s I don’t know. I just want to know if anyone out there who goes through similar mental breakdowns like this have a tendency to forget a lot of it. Anyone any thoughts supportive thoughts anything I can help right about now because I don’t know what to do..😞
Also looking for ways to access these memories..maybe hypnosis.
Thanks in advance everyone. All suggestions are welcomed #Mentalbreakdown #MemoryLoss