I shared this question and reflection (see below) a few years ago, and as this day comes and goes each year, I find comfort in looking back on my writing.
So, I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights today.
What would you tell your teenage self about love, Mighties? What have you learned that has been helpful or changed your perspective?
"I remember when I was a teenager I struggled a lot with my self-esteem and self-worth. I later realized because of this my perception of love was impacted; I struggled so much especially with self-love. I remember always wanting to be in a relationship and being in the "fairy tale" type of love story. I thought that I would only be satisfied with the idea of love if I was in a romantic relationship with my "soulmate." Valentines day hit me hard every year because, to me, it was a reminder of my failures in love.
It took me up until now, as an adult, to slowly learn to love myself fully and unconditionally. I would tell my teenage self that love is all around me --- from how I speak to myself, to the ones I surround myself with; from my creativity to my advocacy work; from how I interact with others to being in nature and expressing gratitude for what I have. Love is everywhere, I just have to open myself up to feel it.
Warm and Friendly Reminder 🌹: Love is vast and can show up in many different ways including in friendships, family (biological or otherwise), romanic relationships, in work/hobbies, in nature, and in self-love. Love is never too far away.
Affirmations you can practice for self-love:
"I am worthy of acceptance and love."
"I love myself."
"Love is all around me."
💌 You are loved and always welcomed here in our Mighty community."
✨Virtual hugs✨
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