Online Fighting
I recently deleted my Twitter because of online fighting between two large groups of people its been going on for months since January to be precise and I finally decided to step away from the app because I became very toxic and stressed with constantly trying to defend myself and friends. Its so bad I have more incriminating screenshots saved to my phone than pictures of my family. And though I am willing to leave to get help and I want to return when I'm mentally well enough to cause I have plans in the long run but I fear that if I come come back no matter how much time has passed how much better I get people will want to drag me in to more fighting as soon as they see I came back, or worse I may have gotten involved in so much useless fighting that I ruined my chances of even being able to start over.
Like I feel like I ruined myself by not minding my own business but what kind of friend would I be if I left them to be bullied and said nothing, even now I'm still making excuses for myself, I actually might be to far gone #Twitter #Bullying #dramafree