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feeling "less than" while dealing with chronic illness

Lately, I've been immersing myself in TikTok videos that focus on the concept of a "glow up" for women. It's prompted me to reflect on the multitude of beauty products I've felt compelled to purchase in order to attain the idealized version of myself that exists in my mind.

At first, I began compiling a list of these products, but then I paused. This pause represents progress for me because, in the past, I would have undoubtedly succumbed to my insecurities and purchased every single item.

My appearance has been a source of insecurity for me, especially considering that I was unwell for a period of three years and I'm still in the process of recovering. Consequently, I have scars and lesions that don't align with the societal standards of “beauty.”

I often find myself striving to meet the expectations of others, as well as my own, regarding my physical appearance.

However, I don't resemble the individuals I constantly encounter on social media. While I recognize that these influencers likely have imperfections too, I refuse to feel ashamed of my own scars and the decision not to conceal them.

Over the past three years, I've managed to shed a significant amount of weight. But in the past year, I’ve experienced a weight gain.

Assessing my progress becomes challenging when it feels like I'm regressing compared to the people around me. It often feels like taking a step backward rather than moving forward.

Despite these challenges, I am gradually gaining a better understanding of my physical needs and identity. Such self-discovery doesn't happen overnight, particularly for someone who has endured chronic illness.

Ultimately, the emotional aspect is what truly matters, and I'm grateful to acknowledge that I've made substantial progress in that regard.

The societal pressures and expectations imposed on women concerning their physical appearance, behavior, and identity can often create a sense of burden and constraint. It is unjust that society tends to prioritize a person's looks over their accomplishments and character.

I firmly believe that every individual possesses their own unique beauty that goes beyond physical appearance.

If you are currently facing challenges and still persevering, you are displaying a strength and resilience that is truly admirable.

I want to remind you that you are strong, resilient, and powerful, regardless of what society may suggest.

Your commitment to personal growth and development sets you apart, and I hold deep respect for your inner strength and beautiful spirit.

Keep moving forward, and know that you are valued and appreciated for the incredible person that you are.

#CIRS #MentalHealth #Feminism #Empowerment #mold #Selflove #ChronicIllness #InvisibleIllness #Anxiety

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Do not interact with me if you believe that equality movements are “no longer needed” | TW mentions of racism, sexism, sexual assault, transphobia

Also TW for some caps and swearing
Some a-hole on a Fandom page claims that equality movements such as Black Lives Matter and MeToo are “no longer needed since it’s popular in Western society”.

…Excuse me?!

Black trans women are still being murdered to this day. Many women are still getting raped to this day. And DO NOT SAY “but men get raped too” as an excuse! Yes, it’s sad and it should never happen to ANYONE, but saying that as a combat is just an attempt to excuse the situation or make it seem little. It’s sickening and gross.

Black folks are still being targeted for racism especially by the authorities. Black churches are burning. Asians were JUST compared to the virus not that long ago and still are today (please don’t say the virus name, it haunts me). Non-white folks and LGBTQ+ folks are still facing unfair challenges such as pay gaps, unequal healthcare, sexist/racist/queerphobic remarks on a day to fucking day basis. Non-binary and genderqueer folks are STILL often ignored in our society.

Just because they are fucking popular sayings or beliefs DOESN’T MEAN that there are little issues or that they’re “no longer needed”. That is such a horrible, disgusting, pig-ish way to even look at this. These are still big fucking issues that we deal with not just here, but in this world as well. They still exist on a daily basis and it’s hurting many of us, and to say that bullcrap is just so fucking selfish! 😡😡😡

#blacklivesmatter #Feminism #stopAAIPhate #unfair #triggerwarning #Sexism #Racism #Racism #MeToo #ignorance #anger

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The Disc by Anne Szumigalski

over and over a woman is told that she's not what she seems to be at first she fights this I am she says what I seem to be: sand, twigs, stones, and waves of disturbed air through which a bird had just flown, also light refracted from the lid of a syrup tin the disc of light wobbles on the floor and ceiling

she begins to have second thoughts perhaps after all she has not what she seems: a laurel hedge, a butterfly flagging on the beach, a scale from the wrong of that butterfly, a rhubarb bush, the oiled wheel of a train

she could indeed be something not yet mentioned not yet named for always she tells herself before you have finished naming a thing the meaning has changed no one can speak as fast as a thought darts across the mind no one can speak faster than the sound of words

I'm not what I seem to be she confesses at last then a warm subservience floods through her and she becomes the fluent shadow of any names we may choose to throw at her

#MightyPoets #Poem #Poetry #fave #Feminism #equality #EmotionalAbuse


Why do I have to feel ashamed of my body?

So, I don’t usually wear dresses, or paint my toenails, or wear heels. I’ve been trying to accept myself more and start trying to feel beautiful in my own skin. I bought a deep v neck skater dress for a bachlorette party that my mom found out about. My plan was to keep it from her since I know she’d freak out the moment I even thought of it. And of course she went on a whole rant about it and everything else.

I grew up that it was a sin to have premarital sex, to “pleasure” yourself, to explore your sexuality, to think “impure thoughts”. Which they’ll just say I’m exaggerating, but never admit to. I didn’t realize how much of a struggle it would be to not feel so damn ashamed of myself, just to read articles about self pleasure and how it’s healthy to do it. Since I’m 20, I don’t feel like I’m too young to do any of it. So the guilt isn’t coming from there, anymore. Since this is all so goddamn complicated, I’ve always just thought “as long as I’m happy and not hurting myself or others, it’s fine”. My family is traditional, but pretends to believe they are somewhat open. But I don’t feel comfortable enough to be able to even talk to my aunt about stuff like this. Or any of my family, for that matter.

I don’t get why my mom is so against women showing skin. If a woman doesn’t like dressing a certain way, then she doesn’t have to. But she doesn’t have a right to tell someone else it isn’t right. Apparently my mom never got the memo. #Feminism #Depression #confused #helpme

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Interested in contributing thoughts on the inclusion of disabled folks in intersectional feminism? #shareyourstory #Feminism  #Intersectionality

I am currently working on writing an article for the feminist magazine, Fembot. It is about how intersectional feminism can work harder to include people with disabilities, and to ally for rights, acceptance, and programs that can help people with disabilities. I would love to hear stories from or interview anyone who either lives with a disability, or cares for someone with a disability, on how society treats you, what needs to improve, and whether you feel heard and validated. Thank you.

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