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My Continued Thanks 💝

This is just a short post to show my gratitude for your patience, support and understanding while I have been experiencing health challenges that have caused me to not post as much as I would like to, and usually do. As I’m sure you’re well aware of, living with chronic health conditions brings many challenges and I know that you will all be able to relate to the feelings of wanting to do something and actually having the physical ability to do it. Thank you all so much, I hope to be back soon. 🧡💙
#FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder #FND #fndaware #FNDAwareness #Fndlife #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #BackPain #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #Spoonie #Selfcare

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Even with FND you are still you

I’m quite new to having FND although actually having it for years without realising but we are all still the same person, just because we have a disorder, that will never change us, we work on being stronger and we are fighters. #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Fndlife

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Thoughts on having #FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder

I'm currently in hospital dealing with #FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder. This is my second admission within 2 months. Becoming frustrated with not only my body but with the system. I have to be reassesed again for Rehab but I was only discharged not even a month ago. But the positive side is is that my #Anxiety is being dealt with. Hoping if I go to Rehab (which I should) they may take me seriously this time round. It sucks having #FND but I have met some amazing people I wouldn't have otherwise.#InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllness #fndaware #Fndlife #fndhope #letsTalkAboutFND #mum


Do you have chest pain & fainting spells?

For the last month I have had major chest pain & I pass out almost every time I move. I’ve been to the ER three times & every time they assure me there is nothing wrong. Is this #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder related? If so, what do you do to help? It is taking over my life & I am scared. Doctors are of no help to me I don’t know what to do.
#FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder #Fndlife #fndhope


More reading material *INTERESTING*

#FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Fndlife #fndhope
Here is some stuff that makes me feel hopeful. It really helps to know what’s happening out there as far as research and interest being taken in this diagnosis/condition. Maybe it will help you too...

“Brain scans help unravel the neurobiology of functional neurological (conversion) disorder”

“Inflammation and brain function in functional neurological disorder: Implications for diagnosis and treatment”


#FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder Open Our Minds READ IT!:)

#PsychogenicNonepilepticSeizures #EssentialTremor #Dementia #AlzheimersDisease #NeurologicalDisorder #SeizureDisorder #StiffPersonSyndrome #Undiagnosed #Fndlife

“What is a Root Canal and Why is it Dangerous”
(Also applies to pulled teeth and deep cavities)

“Can the Flu and Other Viruses Cause Neurodegeneration?”

This will give ya something to think about! For me personally it is stuff like this that reminds of how little doctors and scientists know of and how much they fail to care to consider when they meet patients with complex conditions that don’t fit into a box they can recognize. It is offensive to me that the term “inorganic” is so often used by doctors when discussing FND and other “psychogenic” disorders....as if THEY are all knowing of all things to the point that they could categorize these diseases as something which is not biological in nature simply because THEY are not able to identify the etiology of a the condition. Isn’t it more likely that it IS “organic” but that THEY just don’t know what and how that it is yet....?

Few doctors are willing to put ego to the side and simply admit that they do not know everything.....the ones that do are not intimidated by the things they do not know....you will recognize them immediately because they will be inquisitive and empathetic and willing to take on the challenge of a patient with a condition they do not fully understand or they will respectfully admit to your face that they do not know of anything they can do for you if they do not want to take you as a patient....and you will never leave an appointment feeling dismissed or disrespected in either case. You may leave without answers, but you will feel like you have someone on your team if the doctor wants to TRY to help....the good ones won’t instill hopelessness in order to pacify their own ego. It is only common sense that EVERY doctor does not know everything. Us FND and “psychogenic” diagnosed patients and many others are the walking(or not walking) proof of it...

If everything was already all figured out and the doctors who treat us already knew all they ever needed to know in order to be good doctors....then scientists would be outta business and places like Mayo Clinic wouldn’t exist. If only the medical system were built upon common sense.... THAT is a much bigger conversation! LOL....guess I needed to rant apparently. I am like the anti-social media person but I just got on this site because I have so much sadness and frustration to do with my health problems and the medical system...and I feel so alone when I’m not at all. Thank you for reading!❤️

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#FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #fndhope #Fndlife #PsychogenicNonepilepticSeizures #CognitiveDisorders #Tremor #EssentialTremor #Dementia #AlzheimersDisease

“Can the Flu and Other Viruses Cause Neurodegeneration?”

This is some food for thought for anyone out there with an “inorganic” or undiagnosed neurological and cognitive condition, or for people with known neurodegenerative diseases. Check it out!!:)


What do I do?

Tuesday I went to the ER because I kept passing out every time I moved and I was having EXTREME chest pains. After multiple tests the doctor determined it was my FND. They sent me home still passing out and still with chest pain, no meds, no advice really. I don’t know what to do. This isn’t living and I’m in so much pain. #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder #fndhope #Fndlife

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My new set of wheels #Fndlife #FND #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Positivity #HashimotosThyroiditis

After being in hospital for 6 weeks I’m now waiting for another hospital appointment for rehabilitation for my find, but I bought myself some new wheels it’s given me more freedom, ability to walk and try build my muscle strength whilst waiting for my appointments I’m still having seizures but not as many and my speech is stuttering plus muscle spasms but I’m trying to stay positive and trying to come to terms with the disorder by research etc and also having hashimotos it’s tough but I have two young children so I have to try remain positive for them and my beautiful hubby and family #ThyroidDisease

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