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Chronic Illnesses will not be the death of me!

I have many health issues & have found the last 5 days so Intense, I'm now exhausted!

I am happy to be feeling more like my usual self..😁I know each day may bring new challenges but am constantly learning to pace myself, days & life generally. 👍
It's been over 11 years of daily struggles & am feeling that I need to start to take back a lil control. 😎
I am 45 years old, married have 4 amazing kids, 2 adorable grandsons, pets & my home...I guess I'm tired of being governed by my health so I decided last December to try bit by bit day by day to work on finding 'me' again! 🥰
It's not easy & find I regularly hiccup into all kinds of pain levels, flare ups, sleep disorders, ultra low moods, hormonal issues, thyroid issues, mobility problems, weight issues & well, ya get where I'm going aye!!🙄😏🤨

So much to address but if I take small steps consistently, I'm hoping to improve the quality of my life, body & mind. ✴️💯🤏🙏

#igotthis #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #SleepApnea #hypothroidism #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Depression #Tinnitus #PiriformisSyndrome #FowlersSyndrome #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Tendinitis #DegenerativeDiscDisease #sciatica #RestlessLegsSyndrome #BrutalBreavement

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5 weeks post op!

Took this afternoon. Actually feeling quite proud of myself. It's been a bloody hard few weeks, with lots of hiccups. But I'm getting there. Had a really smooth bag change last night. I've not been feeling myself, mental health wise, but today I've been feeling more positive about it all.
#Urostomy #Ostomate #FowlersSyndrome #InterstitialCystitis #Ostomy #OstomySurgery #EndTheStigma #MentalHealth #spoonielife #bodyconfidence #I#icandothis



My pain is intense, unrelenting, devastating. Pain takes so much and all you get in return are scars from where you have used your hot water bottle too long, scars from where you have had IV lines for morphine, black rings under your eyes from pain induced insomnia and tear stained cheeks. My pain can range from mildly irritating to completely consuming, it can be a dull ache, sharp shooting, twisting and cramping, sometimes it will be a variety of different sensations scattered across my body like a war zone. I cannot remember the last time I was completely free of pain, no amount of IV morphine or fentanyl can rid me of it, it’s like an obsessive ex bf who refuses to leave me be, constantly trailing by my side.

#Endometriosis #Adenomyosis #Fibromyalgia #RheumatoidArthritis #InterstitialCystitis #FowlersSyndrome #ChronicMigraines #ChronicPain