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When you’re nickname comes up in real life situations (I go by the nickname “Four-wheels”)

I was at the gym the other day, waiting for Handydart (a paratransit door-to-door service for people with disabilities who cannot use the regular bus system) to pick me up after my workout and I was dead tired and not paying attention. The staff were in the middle of cleaning up for the night. One of them asked something along the lines of "Should I unplug the machine with four wheels on it?”

I was so dead tired and not paying attention, when I heard the words four wheels, I looked up for a good three seconds; thinking she was taking about me until it dawned on me that:

1) No one at the gym knows I go by the nickname Four-wheels

2) I was sitting in my wheelchair, not on any excersise equipment.

3) They were talking about an exercise machine. 😂

Thought I would share that little bit of humour for anyone who needs a laugh. 😂


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Oh oh oh oh giggles only #humour #laughteristhebestmedicine #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Mighty Family

I hope everyone had some sleep last night. I say 'some' sleep. Any sleep even a few minutes inbetween being awake is better than none.
If you are like me an insomniac any random sleep at any hour is better than none. I'll take it 😴

I hope you like this Mornings little giggle.
I may have borrowed it. (Or stole it) off of fb 😅😄😃🤣😂😁😀 (who moi)
🙋‍♀️ yes me I did it I stole it. Yes I did. It was too funny not too. Guilty.

Mornings just would not be the same without a few laughs now would they. 🙈🙊🙉

I think so anyways. 😅🙃

So how are you , it's the end of the week. How has this week been for you.

For me it's been pretty hard.
Full of anxiety . Hospital stuff, doctors stuff, even driving stuff,
But I've got through it all.
Unscathed. Minus some sleep and a few more grey hairs.
I can deal with that. I've done another video call without any anxiety 🙋‍♀️😀 go me.

Love n hugs as always Tj ❤🤗😘💐🥀🌹🐶🐱🐾🦄🦓🐯🦁😎😊😉

#Bekind #Unscathed #Love #Hugs #Chronicpainwarrior #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #giggleswithafriend #FridayGiggles #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #Insomnia #laughteristhebestmedicine #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #Kindness #checkonyourneighbours #talkingtherapy #Chatting

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Happy Firefighters Friday #justbecause

Fridays are the best day of the week

One of my old work mates always shares a photo every Friday of a fireman

So I thought if the Mighty doesn't censor my photo 🤞
I'd start a new tradition with my Mighty family and friends IF you wanted me too.!?

So once my friend has shared the photo, I would then share it with all of you.

Happy fireman friday
But only of you want me too.
Love n hugs Tj
😅😄😃😁😀😘😍😋🥰🤩🤞🙄🤨🤔🤤😳🙀👨‍🚒 #FridayFeeling #Firefighters #Ohlala #justforfun #FridayGiggles #giggleswithafriend #smilesareforfree #Nopuppiesthistime #Firemanbutnopuppies #Chronicpainwarrior

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Hamper pack special #Butchershop #Giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine #FridayGiggles #LaughOutLoud

Oh My this is soooooo funny

I dont know who actually made this but they have a very rude mind!!!!!!
Its hilarious
Butchershop hamper special anyone ???!!!!!!

Have a great day fun filled after you've stopped laughing that is
❤💖💞❣🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ #giggleswithafriend #Love #Hugs #Funtimes #Laughing #Sackedbutcher #Ohmylordsofunny #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ChronicIllness #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Selflove #Funnyposts

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Caption this photo of Potato staring at a potato! 🥔

Here's what we came up with: "Inception? You mean potatoception."

#DistractMe #MightyPets #FridayGiggles #lol